Module osbot_utils.utils.Str

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import textwrap
from html import escape, unescape

from osbot_utils.utils.Files import safe_file_name

# todo: refactor this this class all str related methods (mainly from the Misc class)

def html_escape(value: str):
    return escape(value)

def html_unescape(value: str):
    return unescape(value)

def strip_quotes(value: str):                           # Remove surrounding quotes (single or double)
    if (value.startswith("'") and value.endswith("'")) or (value.startswith('"') and value.endswith('"')):
        return value[1:-1]
    return value

def str_dedent(value, strip=True):
    result = textwrap.dedent(value)
    if strip:
        result = result.strip()
    return result

def str_index(target:str, source:str):
        return target.index(source)
        return -1

def str_join(delimiter, values):
    return delimiter.join(values)

def str_max_width(target, value):
    return str(target)[:value]

def str_safe(value):
    return safe_file_name(value)

def str_starts_with(source, prefix):
    if source is None or prefix is None:
        return False
        return source.startswith(prefix)

def str_unicode_escape(target):
    return str(target).encode('unicode_escape').decode("utf-8")

def str_cap_snake_case(snake_str):
    Converts a snake_case string to Capitalized_Snake_Case.

        snake_str (str): The snake_case string to be converted.

        str: The converted string in Capitalized_Snake_Case.
    return "_".join(word.capitalize() for word in snake_str.split("_"))

def trim(target):
    if type(target) is str:
        return target.strip()
    return ""

html_encode = html_escape
html_decode = html_unescape
safe_str    = str_safe


def html_decode(value: str)
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def html_unescape(value: str):
    return unescape(value)
def html_encode(value: str)
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def html_escape(value: str):
    return escape(value)
def html_escape(value: str)
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def html_escape(value: str):
    return escape(value)
def html_unescape(value: str)
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def html_unescape(value: str):
    return unescape(value)
def safe_str(value)
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def str_safe(value):
    return safe_file_name(value)
def str_cap_snake_case(snake_str)

Converts a snake_case string to Capitalized_Snake_Case.


snake_str : str
The snake_case string to be converted.


The converted string in Capitalized_Snake_Case.
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def str_cap_snake_case(snake_str):
    Converts a snake_case string to Capitalized_Snake_Case.

        snake_str (str): The snake_case string to be converted.

        str: The converted string in Capitalized_Snake_Case.
    return "_".join(word.capitalize() for word in snake_str.split("_"))
def str_dedent(value, strip=True)
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def str_dedent(value, strip=True):
    result = textwrap.dedent(value)
    if strip:
        result = result.strip()
    return result
def str_index(target: str, source: str)
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def str_index(target:str, source:str):
        return target.index(source)
        return -1
def str_join(delimiter, values)
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def str_join(delimiter, values):
    return delimiter.join(values)
def str_max_width(target, value)
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def str_max_width(target, value):
    return str(target)[:value]
def str_safe(value)
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def str_safe(value):
    return safe_file_name(value)
def str_starts_with(source, prefix)
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def str_starts_with(source, prefix):
    if source is None or prefix is None:
        return False
        return source.startswith(prefix)
def str_unicode_escape(target)
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def str_unicode_escape(target):
    return str(target).encode('unicode_escape').decode("utf-8")
def strip_quotes(value: str)
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def strip_quotes(value: str):                           # Remove surrounding quotes (single or double)
    if (value.startswith("'") and value.endswith("'")) or (value.startswith('"') and value.endswith('"')):
        return value[1:-1]
    return value
def trim(target)
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def trim(target):
    if type(target) is str:
        return target.strip()
    return ""