Module osbot_utils.utils.Json

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import json
import gzip
import logging
import os

from osbot_utils.utils.Misc import str_lines, str_md5, str_sha256
from osbot_utils.utils.Status import log_exception

logger_json = logging.getLogger()   # todo: start using this API for capturing error messages from methods bellow

from osbot_utils.utils.Files import file_create_gz, file_create, load_file_gz, file_contents, file_lines, file_lines_gz

def json_dumps(python_object, indent=4, pretty=True, sort_keys=False, default=str, raise_exception=False):
    if python_object:
            if pretty:
                return json.dumps(python_object, indent=indent, sort_keys=sort_keys, default=default)
            return json.dumps(python_object, default=default)
        except Exception as error:
            error_message = f'Error in load_json: {error}'
            log_exception(message=error_message, error=error)
            if raise_exception:
                raise error

def json_dumps_to_bytes(*args, **kwargs):
    return json_dumps(*args, **kwargs).encode()

def json_lines_file_load(target_path):
    raw_json = '['                                          # start the json array
    lines    = file_lines(target_path)                      # get all lines from the file provided in target_path
    raw_json += ','.join(lines)                             # add lines to raw_json split by json array separator
    raw_json += ']'                                         # close the json array
    return json_parse(raw_json)                             # convert json data into a python object

def json_lines_file_load_gz(target_path):
    raw_json = '['                                          # start the json array
    lines    = file_lines_gz(target_path)                      # get all lines from the file provided in target_path
    raw_json += ','.join(lines)                             # add lines to raw_json split by json array separator
    raw_json += ']'                                         # close the json array
    return json_parse(raw_json)                             # convert json data into a python object

def json_sha_256(target):
    return str_sha256(json_dumps(target))

class Json:

    def load_file(path):
        Loads json data from file
        Note: will not throw errors and will return {} as default
        errors are logged to Json.log
        json_data = file_contents(path)
        return json_loads(json_data)

    def load_file_and_delete(path):
        data = json_load_file(path)
        if data:
        return data

    def load_file_gz(path):
        data = load_file_gz(path)
        return json_loads(data)

    def load_file_gz_and_delete(path):
        data = json_load_file_gz(path)
        if data:
        return data

    def loads(json_data, raise_exception=False):
        Loads json data from string
        Note: will not throw errors and will return {} as default
        errors are logged to Json.log
        if json_data:
                return json.loads(json_data)
            except Exception as error:
                log_exception(message='Error in load_json', error=error)
                if raise_exception:
                    raise error

        return {}

    def loads_json_lines(json_lines):
        json_data = '[' + ','.join(str_lines(json_lines.strip())) + ']'
        return json_loads(json_data)

    def md5(data):
        return str_md5(json_dump(data))

    def round_trip(data):
        return json_loads(json_dumps(data))

    def save_file(python_object, path=None, pretty=False, sort_keys=False):
        json_data = json_dumps(python_object=python_object, indent=2, pretty=pretty, sort_keys=sort_keys)
        return file_create(path=path, contents=json_data)

    def save_file_pretty(python_object, path=None):
        return json_save_file(python_object=python_object, path=path, pretty=True)

    def save_file_gz(python_object, path=None, pretty=False):
        json_data = json_dumps(python_object,indent=2, pretty=pretty)
        return file_create_gz(path=path, contents=json_data)

    def save_file_pretty_gz(python_object, path=None):
        return json_save_file_gz(python_object=python_object, path=path, pretty=True)

    def json_save_tmp_file(python_object, pretty=True):
        return Json.save_file(python_object=python_object, pretty=pretty, path=None)

file_create_json             = Json.save_file_pretty
file_contents_json           = Json.load_file

json_dump                    = json_dumps
json_format                  = json_dumps
json_file_create             = Json.save_file
json_file_create_gz          = Json.save_file_gz
json_file_contents           = Json.load_file
json_file_contents_gz        = Json.load_file_gz
json_file_load               = Json.load_file
json_file_safe               = Json.save_file
json_from_file               = Json.load_file
json_load_file               = Json.load_file
json_load_file_and_delete    = Json.load_file_and_delete
json_load_file_gz            = Json.load_file_gz
json_load_file_gz_and_delete = Json.load_file_gz_and_delete
json_from_string             = Json.loads
json_load                    = Json.loads
json_loads                   = Json.loads
json_md5                     = Json.md5
json_lines_loads             = Json.loads_json_lines
json_parse                   = Json.loads
json_lines_parse             = Json.loads_json_lines
json_to_str                  = json_dumps
json_round_trip              = Json.round_trip
json_save                    = Json.save_file
json_save_file               = Json.save_file
json_save_file_pretty        = Json.save_file_pretty
json_save_file_gz            = Json.save_file_gz
json_save_file_pretty_gz     = Json.save_file_pretty_gz
json_save_tmp_file           = Json.json_save_tmp_file
str_to_json                  = Json.loads

load_file_json               = json_load_file
load_file_json_gz            = json_load_file_gz

to_json_str                  = json_dumps
from_json_str                = json_loads


def file_contents_json(path)

Loads json data from file Note: will not throw errors and will return {} as default errors are logged to Json.log

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def load_file(path):
    Loads json data from file
    Note: will not throw errors and will return {} as default
    errors are logged to Json.log
    json_data = file_contents(path)
    return json_loads(json_data)
def file_create_json(python_object, path=None)
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def save_file_pretty(python_object, path=None):
    return json_save_file(python_object=python_object, path=path, pretty=True)
def from_json_str(json_data, raise_exception=False)

Loads json data from string Note: will not throw errors and will return {} as default errors are logged to Json.log

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def loads(json_data, raise_exception=False):
    Loads json data from string
    Note: will not throw errors and will return {} as default
    errors are logged to Json.log
    if json_data:
            return json.loads(json_data)
        except Exception as error:
            log_exception(message='Error in load_json', error=error)
            if raise_exception:
                raise error

    return {}
def json_dump(python_object, indent=4, pretty=True, sort_keys=False, default=builtins.str, raise_exception=False)
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def json_dumps(python_object, indent=4, pretty=True, sort_keys=False, default=str, raise_exception=False):
    if python_object:
            if pretty:
                return json.dumps(python_object, indent=indent, sort_keys=sort_keys, default=default)
            return json.dumps(python_object, default=default)
        except Exception as error:
            error_message = f'Error in load_json: {error}'
            log_exception(message=error_message, error=error)
            if raise_exception:
                raise error
def json_dumps(python_object, indent=4, pretty=True, sort_keys=False, default=builtins.str, raise_exception=False)
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def json_dumps(python_object, indent=4, pretty=True, sort_keys=False, default=str, raise_exception=False):
    if python_object:
            if pretty:
                return json.dumps(python_object, indent=indent, sort_keys=sort_keys, default=default)
            return json.dumps(python_object, default=default)
        except Exception as error:
            error_message = f'Error in load_json: {error}'
            log_exception(message=error_message, error=error)
            if raise_exception:
                raise error
def json_dumps_to_bytes(*args, **kwargs)
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def json_dumps_to_bytes(*args, **kwargs):
    return json_dumps(*args, **kwargs).encode()
def json_file_contents(path)

Loads json data from file Note: will not throw errors and will return {} as default errors are logged to Json.log

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def load_file(path):
    Loads json data from file
    Note: will not throw errors and will return {} as default
    errors are logged to Json.log
    json_data = file_contents(path)
    return json_loads(json_data)
def json_file_contents_gz(path)
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def load_file_gz(path):
    data = load_file_gz(path)
    return json_loads(data)
def json_file_create(python_object, path=None, pretty=False, sort_keys=False)
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def save_file(python_object, path=None, pretty=False, sort_keys=False):
    json_data = json_dumps(python_object=python_object, indent=2, pretty=pretty, sort_keys=sort_keys)
    return file_create(path=path, contents=json_data)
def json_file_create_gz(python_object, path=None, pretty=False)
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def save_file_gz(python_object, path=None, pretty=False):
    json_data = json_dumps(python_object,indent=2, pretty=pretty)
    return file_create_gz(path=path, contents=json_data)
def json_file_load(path)

Loads json data from file Note: will not throw errors and will return {} as default errors are logged to Json.log

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def load_file(path):
    Loads json data from file
    Note: will not throw errors and will return {} as default
    errors are logged to Json.log
    json_data = file_contents(path)
    return json_loads(json_data)
def json_file_safe(python_object, path=None, pretty=False, sort_keys=False)
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def save_file(python_object, path=None, pretty=False, sort_keys=False):
    json_data = json_dumps(python_object=python_object, indent=2, pretty=pretty, sort_keys=sort_keys)
    return file_create(path=path, contents=json_data)
def json_format(python_object, indent=4, pretty=True, sort_keys=False, default=builtins.str, raise_exception=False)
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def json_dumps(python_object, indent=4, pretty=True, sort_keys=False, default=str, raise_exception=False):
    if python_object:
            if pretty:
                return json.dumps(python_object, indent=indent, sort_keys=sort_keys, default=default)
            return json.dumps(python_object, default=default)
        except Exception as error:
            error_message = f'Error in load_json: {error}'
            log_exception(message=error_message, error=error)
            if raise_exception:
                raise error
def json_from_file(path)

Loads json data from file Note: will not throw errors and will return {} as default errors are logged to Json.log

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def load_file(path):
    Loads json data from file
    Note: will not throw errors and will return {} as default
    errors are logged to Json.log
    json_data = file_contents(path)
    return json_loads(json_data)
def json_from_string(json_data, raise_exception=False)

Loads json data from string Note: will not throw errors and will return {} as default errors are logged to Json.log

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def loads(json_data, raise_exception=False):
    Loads json data from string
    Note: will not throw errors and will return {} as default
    errors are logged to Json.log
    if json_data:
            return json.loads(json_data)
        except Exception as error:
            log_exception(message='Error in load_json', error=error)
            if raise_exception:
                raise error

    return {}
def json_lines_file_load(target_path)
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def json_lines_file_load(target_path):
    raw_json = '['                                          # start the json array
    lines    = file_lines(target_path)                      # get all lines from the file provided in target_path
    raw_json += ','.join(lines)                             # add lines to raw_json split by json array separator
    raw_json += ']'                                         # close the json array
    return json_parse(raw_json)                             # convert json data into a python object
def json_lines_file_load_gz(target_path)
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def json_lines_file_load_gz(target_path):
    raw_json = '['                                          # start the json array
    lines    = file_lines_gz(target_path)                      # get all lines from the file provided in target_path
    raw_json += ','.join(lines)                             # add lines to raw_json split by json array separator
    raw_json += ']'                                         # close the json array
    return json_parse(raw_json)                             # convert json data into a python object
def json_lines_loads(json_lines)
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def loads_json_lines(json_lines):
    json_data = '[' + ','.join(str_lines(json_lines.strip())) + ']'
    return json_loads(json_data)
def json_lines_parse(json_lines)
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def loads_json_lines(json_lines):
    json_data = '[' + ','.join(str_lines(json_lines.strip())) + ']'
    return json_loads(json_data)
def json_load(json_data, raise_exception=False)

Loads json data from string Note: will not throw errors and will return {} as default errors are logged to Json.log

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def loads(json_data, raise_exception=False):
    Loads json data from string
    Note: will not throw errors and will return {} as default
    errors are logged to Json.log
    if json_data:
            return json.loads(json_data)
        except Exception as error:
            log_exception(message='Error in load_json', error=error)
            if raise_exception:
                raise error

    return {}
def json_load_file(path)

Loads json data from file Note: will not throw errors and will return {} as default errors are logged to Json.log

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def load_file(path):
    Loads json data from file
    Note: will not throw errors and will return {} as default
    errors are logged to Json.log
    json_data = file_contents(path)
    return json_loads(json_data)
def json_load_file_and_delete(path)
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def load_file_and_delete(path):
    data = json_load_file(path)
    if data:
    return data
def json_load_file_gz(path)
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def load_file_gz(path):
    data = load_file_gz(path)
    return json_loads(data)
def json_load_file_gz_and_delete(path)
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def load_file_gz_and_delete(path):
    data = json_load_file_gz(path)
    if data:
    return data
def json_loads(json_data, raise_exception=False)

Loads json data from string Note: will not throw errors and will return {} as default errors are logged to Json.log

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def loads(json_data, raise_exception=False):
    Loads json data from string
    Note: will not throw errors and will return {} as default
    errors are logged to Json.log
    if json_data:
            return json.loads(json_data)
        except Exception as error:
            log_exception(message='Error in load_json', error=error)
            if raise_exception:
                raise error

    return {}
def json_md5(data)
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def md5(data):
    return str_md5(json_dump(data))
def json_parse(json_data, raise_exception=False)

Loads json data from string Note: will not throw errors and will return {} as default errors are logged to Json.log

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def loads(json_data, raise_exception=False):
    Loads json data from string
    Note: will not throw errors and will return {} as default
    errors are logged to Json.log
    if json_data:
            return json.loads(json_data)
        except Exception as error:
            log_exception(message='Error in load_json', error=error)
            if raise_exception:
                raise error

    return {}
def json_round_trip(data)
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def round_trip(data):
    return json_loads(json_dumps(data))
def json_save(python_object, path=None, pretty=False, sort_keys=False)
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def save_file(python_object, path=None, pretty=False, sort_keys=False):
    json_data = json_dumps(python_object=python_object, indent=2, pretty=pretty, sort_keys=sort_keys)
    return file_create(path=path, contents=json_data)
def json_save_file(python_object, path=None, pretty=False, sort_keys=False)
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def save_file(python_object, path=None, pretty=False, sort_keys=False):
    json_data = json_dumps(python_object=python_object, indent=2, pretty=pretty, sort_keys=sort_keys)
    return file_create(path=path, contents=json_data)
def json_save_file_gz(python_object, path=None, pretty=False)
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def save_file_gz(python_object, path=None, pretty=False):
    json_data = json_dumps(python_object,indent=2, pretty=pretty)
    return file_create_gz(path=path, contents=json_data)
def json_save_file_pretty(python_object, path=None)
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def save_file_pretty(python_object, path=None):
    return json_save_file(python_object=python_object, path=path, pretty=True)
def json_save_file_pretty_gz(python_object, path=None)
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def save_file_pretty_gz(python_object, path=None):
    return json_save_file_gz(python_object=python_object, path=path, pretty=True)
def json_save_tmp_file(python_object, pretty=True)
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def json_save_tmp_file(python_object, pretty=True):
    return Json.save_file(python_object=python_object, pretty=pretty, path=None)
def json_sha_256(target)
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def json_sha_256(target):
    return str_sha256(json_dumps(target))
def json_to_str(python_object, indent=4, pretty=True, sort_keys=False, default=builtins.str, raise_exception=False)
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def json_dumps(python_object, indent=4, pretty=True, sort_keys=False, default=str, raise_exception=False):
    if python_object:
            if pretty:
                return json.dumps(python_object, indent=indent, sort_keys=sort_keys, default=default)
            return json.dumps(python_object, default=default)
        except Exception as error:
            error_message = f'Error in load_json: {error}'
            log_exception(message=error_message, error=error)
            if raise_exception:
                raise error
def load_file_json(path)

Loads json data from file Note: will not throw errors and will return {} as default errors are logged to Json.log

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def load_file(path):
    Loads json data from file
    Note: will not throw errors and will return {} as default
    errors are logged to Json.log
    json_data = file_contents(path)
    return json_loads(json_data)
def load_file_json_gz(path)
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def load_file_gz(path):
    data = load_file_gz(path)
    return json_loads(data)
def str_to_json(json_data, raise_exception=False)

Loads json data from string Note: will not throw errors and will return {} as default errors are logged to Json.log

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def loads(json_data, raise_exception=False):
    Loads json data from string
    Note: will not throw errors and will return {} as default
    errors are logged to Json.log
    if json_data:
            return json.loads(json_data)
        except Exception as error:
            log_exception(message='Error in load_json', error=error)
            if raise_exception:
                raise error

    return {}
def to_json_str(python_object, indent=4, pretty=True, sort_keys=False, default=builtins.str, raise_exception=False)
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def json_dumps(python_object, indent=4, pretty=True, sort_keys=False, default=str, raise_exception=False):
    if python_object:
            if pretty:
                return json.dumps(python_object, indent=indent, sort_keys=sort_keys, default=default)
            return json.dumps(python_object, default=default)
        except Exception as error:
            error_message = f'Error in load_json: {error}'
            log_exception(message=error_message, error=error)
            if raise_exception:
                raise error


class Json
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class Json:

    def load_file(path):
        Loads json data from file
        Note: will not throw errors and will return {} as default
        errors are logged to Json.log
        json_data = file_contents(path)
        return json_loads(json_data)

    def load_file_and_delete(path):
        data = json_load_file(path)
        if data:
        return data

    def load_file_gz(path):
        data = load_file_gz(path)
        return json_loads(data)

    def load_file_gz_and_delete(path):
        data = json_load_file_gz(path)
        if data:
        return data

    def loads(json_data, raise_exception=False):
        Loads json data from string
        Note: will not throw errors and will return {} as default
        errors are logged to Json.log
        if json_data:
                return json.loads(json_data)
            except Exception as error:
                log_exception(message='Error in load_json', error=error)
                if raise_exception:
                    raise error

        return {}

    def loads_json_lines(json_lines):
        json_data = '[' + ','.join(str_lines(json_lines.strip())) + ']'
        return json_loads(json_data)

    def md5(data):
        return str_md5(json_dump(data))

    def round_trip(data):
        return json_loads(json_dumps(data))

    def save_file(python_object, path=None, pretty=False, sort_keys=False):
        json_data = json_dumps(python_object=python_object, indent=2, pretty=pretty, sort_keys=sort_keys)
        return file_create(path=path, contents=json_data)

    def save_file_pretty(python_object, path=None):
        return json_save_file(python_object=python_object, path=path, pretty=True)

    def save_file_gz(python_object, path=None, pretty=False):
        json_data = json_dumps(python_object,indent=2, pretty=pretty)
        return file_create_gz(path=path, contents=json_data)

    def save_file_pretty_gz(python_object, path=None):
        return json_save_file_gz(python_object=python_object, path=path, pretty=True)

    def json_save_tmp_file(python_object, pretty=True):
        return Json.save_file(python_object=python_object, pretty=pretty, path=None)

Static methods

def json_save_tmp_file(python_object, pretty=True)
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def json_save_tmp_file(python_object, pretty=True):
    return Json.save_file(python_object=python_object, pretty=pretty, path=None)
def load_file(path)

Loads json data from file Note: will not throw errors and will return {} as default errors are logged to Json.log

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def load_file(path):
    Loads json data from file
    Note: will not throw errors and will return {} as default
    errors are logged to Json.log
    json_data = file_contents(path)
    return json_loads(json_data)
def load_file_and_delete(path)
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def load_file_and_delete(path):
    data = json_load_file(path)
    if data:
    return data
def load_file_gz(path)
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def load_file_gz(path):
    data = load_file_gz(path)
    return json_loads(data)
def load_file_gz_and_delete(path)
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def load_file_gz_and_delete(path):
    data = json_load_file_gz(path)
    if data:
    return data
def loads(json_data, raise_exception=False)

Loads json data from string Note: will not throw errors and will return {} as default errors are logged to Json.log

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def loads(json_data, raise_exception=False):
    Loads json data from string
    Note: will not throw errors and will return {} as default
    errors are logged to Json.log
    if json_data:
            return json.loads(json_data)
        except Exception as error:
            log_exception(message='Error in load_json', error=error)
            if raise_exception:
                raise error

    return {}
def loads_json_lines(json_lines)
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def loads_json_lines(json_lines):
    json_data = '[' + ','.join(str_lines(json_lines.strip())) + ']'
    return json_loads(json_data)
def md5(data)
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def md5(data):
    return str_md5(json_dump(data))
def round_trip(data)
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def round_trip(data):
    return json_loads(json_dumps(data))
def save_file(python_object, path=None, pretty=False, sort_keys=False)
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def save_file(python_object, path=None, pretty=False, sort_keys=False):
    json_data = json_dumps(python_object=python_object, indent=2, pretty=pretty, sort_keys=sort_keys)
    return file_create(path=path, contents=json_data)
def save_file_gz(python_object, path=None, pretty=False)
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def save_file_gz(python_object, path=None, pretty=False):
    json_data = json_dumps(python_object,indent=2, pretty=pretty)
    return file_create_gz(path=path, contents=json_data)
def save_file_pretty(python_object, path=None)
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def save_file_pretty(python_object, path=None):
    return json_save_file(python_object=python_object, path=path, pretty=True)
def save_file_pretty_gz(python_object, path=None)
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def save_file_pretty_gz(python_object, path=None):
    return json_save_file_gz(python_object=python_object, path=path, pretty=True)