Module osbot_utils.utils.Files
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import gzip
import os
import glob
import pickle
import re
import shutil
import tempfile
from os.path import abspath, join
from pathlib import Path, PosixPath
from osbot_utils.utils.Misc import bytes_to_base64, base64_to_bytes, random_string
class Files:
def bytes(path):
with open(path, 'rb') as file:
def copy(source:str, destination:str) -> str:
if file_exists(source): # make sure source file exists
destination_parent_folder = parent_folder(destination) # get target parent folder
folder_create(destination_parent_folder) # ensure target folder exists # todo: check if this is still needed (we should be using a copy method that creates the required fodlers)
return shutil.copy(source, destination) # copy file and returns file destination
def contains(path, content):
text = Files.contents(path)
if type(content) is list:
for item in content:
if item not in text:
return False
return True
return content in text
def contents(path, mode='rt'):
if file_exists(path):
with file_open(path, mode) as file:
def contents_gz(path, mode='rt'):
if file_exists(path):
with file_open_gz(path, mode) as file:
def contents_md5(path):
from osbot_utils.utils.Misc import bytes_md5
return bytes_md5(file_contents_as_bytes(path))
def contents_sha256(path):
from osbot_utils.utils.Misc import bytes_sha256
return bytes_sha256(file_contents_as_bytes(path))
def current_folder():
return Files.path_combine(".","")
def delete(path):
if Files.exists(path):
return Files.exists(path) is False
return False
def exists(path):
return is_file(str(path))
# if path and is_file(path):
# return os.path.exists(path)
# return False
def find(path_pattern, recursive=True):
return glob.glob(path_pattern, recursive=recursive)
def files(path, pattern= '*.*'): # todo: check behaviour and improve ability to detect file (vs folders)
result = []
for file in Path(path).rglob(pattern):
result.append(str(file)) # todo: see if there is a better way to do this conversion to string
return sorted(result)
def files_names(files : list, check_if_exists=True):
result = []
for file in files:
if is_file(file):
result.append(file_name(file, check_if_exists=check_if_exists))
return result
def file_create_all_parent_folders(file_path):
if file_path:
parent_path = parent_folder(file_path)
if parent_path:
path = Path(parent_path)
path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
return parent_path
def file_name(path, check_if_exists=True):
if is_file(path) or check_if_exists is False:
return os.path.basename(path)
def file_name_without_extension(path):
if path:
path_file_name = file_name(path)
extension = file_extension(path_file_name)
if extension:
return path_file_name.replace(extension, '')
def file_extension(path):
if path and '.' in path:
return os.path.splitext(path)[1]
return ''
def file_extension_fix(extension):
if extension is None or len(extension) == 0: # if it None or empty return default .tmp extension
return '.tmp'
if extension[0] != '.': # make sure that the extension starts with a dot
return '.' + extension
return extension
def file_to_base64(path):
return bytes_to_base64(file_bytes(path))
def file_from_base64(bytes_base64, path=None, extension=None):
bytes_ = base64_to_bytes(bytes_base64)
return file_create_bytes(bytes=bytes_, path=path, extension=None)
def file_size(path):
return file_stats(path).st_size
def file_stats(path):
return os.stat(path)
def filter_parent_folder(items, folder):
all_relative_items = []
for item in items:
all_relative_items.append(item.replace(folder, '')[1:])
return sorted(all_relative_items)
def files_recursive(parent_dir, include_folders=False):
all_files = []
if os.path.isdir(parent_dir):
for item in os.listdir(parent_dir):
item_path = os.path.join(parent_dir, item)
if os.path.isfile(item_path):
elif os.path.isdir(item_path):
if include_folders:
all_files.append(item_path + '/')
return sorted(all_files)
def folder_exists(path):
return is_folder(path)
def folder_copy(source, destination, ignore_pattern=None):
if ignore_pattern:
if type(ignore_pattern) is str:
ignore_pattern = [ignore_pattern]
ignore = shutil.ignore_patterns(*ignore_pattern) # for example ignore_pattern = ['*.pyc','.DS_Store']
ignore = None
return shutil.copytree(src=source, dst=destination, ignore=ignore)
def folder_create(path):
if folder_exists(path):
return path
return path
def folder_create_in_parent(path, name):
folder_path = path_combine(path, name)
return folder_create(folder_path)
def folder_delete(target_folder):
if folder_exists(target_folder):
return True
except OSError:
return False
def folder_delete_all(path): # this will remove recursively
if folder_exists(path):
return folder_exists(path) is False
return False
def folder_name(path):
if path:
return os.path.basename(path)
def folder_not_exists(path):
return folder_exists(path) is False
def folder_sub_folders(path):
result = []
item: os.DirEntry
if Files.is_folder(path):
for item in os.scandir(path):
if item.is_dir():
return result
def folders_names(folders : list):
result = []
for folder in folders:
if folder:
return sorted(result)
def folders_sub_folders(folders : list):
result = []
for folder in folders:
return result
def folders_recursive(parent_dir):
subdirectories = []
for item in os.listdir(parent_dir):
item_path = os.path.join(parent_dir, item)
if os.path.isdir(item_path):
return sorted(subdirectories)
def is_file(target):
if isinstance(target, Path):
return target.is_file()
if type(target) is str:
return os.path.isfile(target)
return False
def is_folder(target):
if isinstance(target, Path):
return target.is_dir()
if type(target) is str:
return os.path.isdir(target)
return False
def lines(path):
with open(path, "rt") as file:
for line in file:
yield line
def lines_gz(path):
with, "rt") as file:
for line in file:
yield line
def not_exists(path):
return os.path.exists(str(path)) is False
def open(path, mode='r'):
return open(path, mode=mode)
def open_gz(path, mode='r'):
return, mode=mode)
def open_bytes(path):
return, mode='rb')
def path_combine(path1, path2):
if type(path1) in [str, Path] and type(path2) in [str, Path]:
parent_path = str(path1)
sub_path = str(path2)
if sub_path.startswith('/'):
sub_path = sub_path[1:]
return abspath(join(parent_path,sub_path))
def parent_folder(path):
if path:
return os.path.dirname(path)
def parent_folder_combine(file, path):
return Files.path_combine(os.path.dirname(file),path)
def pickle_save_to_file(object_to_save, path=None):
path = path or temp_file(extension=".pickle")
file_to_store = open(path, "wb")
pickle.dump(object_to_save, file_to_store)
return path
def pickle_load_from_file(path=None):
file_to_read = open(path, "rb")
loaded_object = pickle.load(file_to_read)
return loaded_object
def safe_file_name(file_name):
if type(file_name) is not str:
file_name = f"{file_name}"
return re.sub(r'[^a-zA-Z0-9_.-]', '_',file_name or '')
def save(contents, path=None, extension=None):
path = path or temp_file(extension=extension)
file_create(path, contents)
return path
def sub_folders(target):
if type(target) is list:
return Files.folders_sub_folders(target)
if type(target) is str:
return Files.folder_sub_folders(target)
return []
def save_bytes_as_file(bytes_to_save, path=None, extension=None):
if path is None:
path = Files.temp_file(extension)
with open(path, 'wb') as fp:
return path
def temp_file(extension = '.tmp', contents=None, target_folder=None):
extension = file_extension_fix(extension)
if target_folder is None:
(fd, tmp_file) = tempfile.mkstemp(extension)
tmp_file = path_combine(target_folder, temp_filename(extension))
if contents:
file_create(tmp_file, contents)
return tmp_file
def temp_file_in_folder(target_folder, prefix="temp_file_", postfix='.txt'):
if is_folder(target_folder):
path_to_file = path_combine(target_folder, random_string(prefix=prefix, postfix=postfix))
file_create(path_to_file, random_string())
return path_to_file
def temp_filename(extension='.tmp'):
return file_name(temp_file(extension), check_if_exists=False)
def temp_folder(prefix=None, suffix=None,target_folder=None):
return tempfile.mkdtemp(suffix, prefix, target_folder)
def temp_folder_current():
return tempfile.gettempdir()
def temp_folder_with_temp_file(prefix=None, suffix=None,parent_folder=None, file_name='temp_file.txt', file_contents='temp_file'):
folder = temp_folder(prefix,suffix,parent_folder)
file_create(path_combine(folder,file_name), file_contents)
return folder
def write(path = None,contents=None, extension=None, mode='w'):
path = path or temp_file(extension)
contents = contents or ''
with open(file=path, mode=mode) as file:
return path
def write_bytes(path=None, bytes=None, extension=None):
return Files.write(path=path, contents=bytes, extension=extension, mode='wb')
def write_gz(path=None, contents=None):
path = path or temp_file(extension='.gz')
contents = contents or ''
if type(contents) is str:
contents = contents.encode()
with, "w") as file:
return path
# todo: refactor the methods above into static methods (as bellow)
def all_parent_folders(path=None, include_path=False):
if path is None:
path = os.getcwd()
parent_directories = []
# Optionally include the starting path
if include_path:
while True: # Split the path into parts
path, tail = os.path.split(path)
if tail:
if path and path not in parent_directories: # to handle the root path case
return parent_directories
def file_move(source_file, target_file):
if file_exists(source_file):
file_copy(source_file, target_file)
if file_exists(target_file):
if file_delete(source_file):
return True
return False
def folders_names_in_folder(target):
folders = folders_in_folder(target)
return folders_names(folders)
def stream_to_bytes(stream):
def stream_to_file(stream, path=None):
if path is None: # if path is not defined
path = Files.temp_file() # save it to a temp file
with open(path, 'wb') as file: # Write the content to the file
return path
# helper methods
# todo: all all methods above (including the duplicated mappings at the top)
bytes_to_file = Files.write_bytes
create_folder = Files.folder_create
create_folder_in_parent = Files.folder_create_in_parent
create_temp_file = Files.write
current_folder = Files.current_folder
current_temp_folder = Files.temp_folder_current
file_bytes = Files.bytes
file_contains = Files.contains
file_contents = Files.contents
file_contents_gz = Files.contents_gz
file_contents_md5 = Files.contents_md5
file_contents_sha256 = Files.contents_sha256
file_contents_as_bytes = Files.bytes
file_create_all_parent_folders = Files.file_create_all_parent_folders
file_copy = Files.copy
file_delete = Files.delete
file_create = Files.write
file_create_bytes = Files.write_bytes
file_create_from_bytes = Files.write_bytes
file_create_gz = Files.write_gz
file_exists = Files.exists
file_extension = Files.file_extension
file_extension_fix = Files.file_extension_fix
file_lines = Files.lines
file_lines_gz = Files.lines_gz
file_md5 = Files.contents_md5
file_name = Files.file_name
file_name_without_extension = Files.file_name_without_extension
file_not_exists = Files.not_exists
file_open =
file_open_gz = Files.open_gz
file_open_bytes = Files.open_bytes
file_to_base64 = Files.file_to_base64
file_from_base64 = Files.file_from_base64
file_from_bytes = Files.write_bytes
file_save =
file_sha256 = Files.contents_sha256
file_size = Files.file_size
file_stats = Files.file_stats
file_write = Files.write
file_write_bytes = Files.write_bytes
file_write_gz = Files.write_gz
filter_parent_folder = Files.filter_parent_folder
files_find = Files.find
files_recursive = Files.files_recursive
files_list = Files.files
files_names = Files.files_names
find_files = Files.files
folder_create = Files.folder_create
folder_create_in_parent = Files.folder_create_in_parent
folder_create_temp = Files.temp_folder
folder_copy = Files.folder_copy
folder_copy_except = Files.folder_copy
folder_delete = Files.folder_delete
folder_delete_all = Files.folder_delete_all
folder_delete_recursively = Files.folder_delete_all
folder_exists = Files.folder_exists
folder_not_exists = Files.folder_not_exists
folder_name = Files.folder_name
folder_temp = Files.temp_folder
folder_files = Files.files
folder_sub_folders = Files.folder_sub_folders
folders_in_folder = Files.folder_sub_folders
folders_names = Files.folders_names
folders_recursive = Files.folders_recursive
folders_sub_folders = Files.folders_sub_folders
is_file = Files.is_file
is_folder = Files.is_folder
load_file = Files.contents
load_file_gz = Files.contents_gz
path_append = Files.path_combine
path_combine = Files.path_combine
path_current = Files.current_folder
parent_folder = Files.parent_folder
parent_folder_combine = Files.parent_folder_combine
pickle_load_from_file = Files.pickle_load_from_file
pickle_save_to_file = Files.pickle_save_to_file
safe_file_name = Files.safe_file_name
save_bytes_as_file = Files.save_bytes_as_file
save_string_as_file =
sub_folders = Files.sub_folders
temp_file = Files.temp_file
temp_file_in_folder = Files.temp_file_in_folder
temp_filename = Files.temp_filename
temp_folder = Files.temp_folder
temp_folder_current = Files.temp_folder_current
temp_folder_with_temp_file = Files.temp_folder_with_temp_file
def all_parent_folders(path=None, include_path=False)
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def all_parent_folders(path=None, include_path=False): if path is None: path = os.getcwd() parent_directories = [] # Optionally include the starting path if include_path: parent_directories.append(path) while True: # Split the path into parts path, tail = os.path.split(path) if tail: parent_directories.append(path) else: if path and path not in parent_directories: # to handle the root path case parent_directories.append(path) break return parent_directories
def bytes_to_file(path=None, bytes=None, extension=None)
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@staticmethod def write_bytes(path=None, bytes=None, extension=None): return Files.write(path=path, contents=bytes, extension=extension, mode='wb')
def create_folder(path)
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@staticmethod def folder_create(path): if folder_exists(path): return path os.makedirs(path) return path
def create_folder_in_parent(path, name)
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@staticmethod def folder_create_in_parent(path, name): folder_path = path_combine(path, name) return folder_create(folder_path)
def create_temp_file(path=None, contents=None, extension=None, mode='w')
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@staticmethod def write(path = None,contents=None, extension=None, mode='w'): path = path or temp_file(extension) contents = contents or '' with open(file=path, mode=mode) as file: file.write(contents) return path
def current_folder()
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@staticmethod def current_folder(): return Files.path_combine(".","")
def current_temp_folder()
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@staticmethod def temp_folder_current(): return tempfile.gettempdir()
def file_bytes(path)
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@staticmethod def bytes(path): with open(path, 'rb') as file: return
def file_contains(path, content)
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@staticmethod def contains(path, content): text = Files.contents(path) if type(content) is list: for item in content: if item not in text: return False return True return content in text
def file_contents(path, mode='rt')
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@staticmethod def contents(path, mode='rt'): if file_exists(path): with file_open(path, mode) as file: return
def file_contents_as_bytes(path)
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@staticmethod def bytes(path): with open(path, 'rb') as file: return
def file_contents_gz(path, mode='rt')
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@staticmethod def contents_gz(path, mode='rt'): if file_exists(path): with file_open_gz(path, mode) as file: return
def file_contents_md5(path)
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@staticmethod def contents_md5(path): from osbot_utils.utils.Misc import bytes_md5 return bytes_md5(file_contents_as_bytes(path))
def file_contents_sha256(path)
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@staticmethod def contents_sha256(path): from osbot_utils.utils.Misc import bytes_sha256 return bytes_sha256(file_contents_as_bytes(path))
def file_copy(source: str, destination: str) ‑> str
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@staticmethod def copy(source:str, destination:str) -> str: if file_exists(source): # make sure source file exists destination_parent_folder = parent_folder(destination) # get target parent folder folder_create(destination_parent_folder) # ensure target folder exists # todo: check if this is still needed (we should be using a copy method that creates the required fodlers) return shutil.copy(source, destination) # copy file and returns file destination
def file_create(path=None, contents=None, extension=None, mode='w')
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@staticmethod def write(path = None,contents=None, extension=None, mode='w'): path = path or temp_file(extension) contents = contents or '' with open(file=path, mode=mode) as file: file.write(contents) return path
def file_create_all_parent_folders(file_path)
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@staticmethod def file_create_all_parent_folders(file_path): if file_path: parent_path = parent_folder(file_path) if parent_path: path = Path(parent_path) path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) return parent_path
def file_create_bytes(path=None, bytes=None, extension=None)
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@staticmethod def write_bytes(path=None, bytes=None, extension=None): return Files.write(path=path, contents=bytes, extension=extension, mode='wb')
def file_create_from_bytes(path=None, bytes=None, extension=None)
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@staticmethod def write_bytes(path=None, bytes=None, extension=None): return Files.write(path=path, contents=bytes, extension=extension, mode='wb')
def file_create_gz(path=None, contents=None)
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@staticmethod def write_gz(path=None, contents=None): path = path or temp_file(extension='.gz') contents = contents or '' if type(contents) is str: contents = contents.encode() with, "w") as file: file.write(contents) return path
def file_delete(path)
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@staticmethod def delete(path): if Files.exists(path): os.remove(path) return Files.exists(path) is False return False
def file_exists(path)
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@staticmethod def exists(path): return is_file(str(path)) # if path and is_file(path): # return os.path.exists(path) # return False
def file_extension(path)
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@staticmethod def file_extension(path): if path and '.' in path: return os.path.splitext(path)[1] return ''
def file_extension_fix(extension)
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@staticmethod def file_extension_fix(extension): if extension is None or len(extension) == 0: # if it None or empty return default .tmp extension return '.tmp' if extension[0] != '.': # make sure that the extension starts with a dot return '.' + extension return extension
def file_from_base64(bytes_base64, path=None, extension=None)
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@staticmethod def file_from_base64(bytes_base64, path=None, extension=None): bytes_ = base64_to_bytes(bytes_base64) return file_create_bytes(bytes=bytes_, path=path, extension=None)
def file_from_bytes(path=None, bytes=None, extension=None)
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@staticmethod def write_bytes(path=None, bytes=None, extension=None): return Files.write(path=path, contents=bytes, extension=extension, mode='wb')
def file_lines(path)
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@staticmethod def lines(path): with open(path, "rt") as file: for line in file: yield line
def file_lines_gz(path)
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@staticmethod def lines_gz(path): with, "rt") as file: for line in file: yield line
def file_md5(path)
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@staticmethod def contents_md5(path): from osbot_utils.utils.Misc import bytes_md5 return bytes_md5(file_contents_as_bytes(path))
def file_move(source_file, target_file)
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def file_move(source_file, target_file): if file_exists(source_file): file_copy(source_file, target_file) if file_exists(target_file): if file_delete(source_file): return True return False
def file_name(path, check_if_exists=True)
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@staticmethod def file_name(path, check_if_exists=True): if is_file(path) or check_if_exists is False: return os.path.basename(path)
def file_name_without_extension(path)
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@staticmethod def file_name_without_extension(path): if path: path_file_name = file_name(path) extension = file_extension(path_file_name) if extension: return path_file_name.replace(extension, '')
def file_not_exists(path)
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@staticmethod def not_exists(path): return os.path.exists(str(path)) is False
def file_open(path, mode='r')
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@staticmethod def open(path, mode='r'): return open(path, mode=mode)
def file_open_bytes(path)
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@staticmethod def open_bytes(path): return, mode='rb')
def file_open_gz(path, mode='r')
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@staticmethod def open_gz(path, mode='r'): return, mode=mode)
def file_save(contents, path=None, extension=None)
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@staticmethod def save(contents, path=None, extension=None): path = path or temp_file(extension=extension) file_create(path, contents) return path
def file_sha256(path)
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@staticmethod def contents_sha256(path): from osbot_utils.utils.Misc import bytes_sha256 return bytes_sha256(file_contents_as_bytes(path))
def file_size(path)
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@staticmethod def file_size(path): return file_stats(path).st_size
def file_stats(path)
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@staticmethod def file_stats(path): return os.stat(path)
def file_to_base64(path)
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@staticmethod def file_to_base64(path): return bytes_to_base64(file_bytes(path))
def file_write(path=None, contents=None, extension=None, mode='w')
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@staticmethod def write(path = None,contents=None, extension=None, mode='w'): path = path or temp_file(extension) contents = contents or '' with open(file=path, mode=mode) as file: file.write(contents) return path
def file_write_bytes(path=None, bytes=None, extension=None)
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@staticmethod def write_bytes(path=None, bytes=None, extension=None): return Files.write(path=path, contents=bytes, extension=extension, mode='wb')
def file_write_gz(path=None, contents=None)
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@staticmethod def write_gz(path=None, contents=None): path = path or temp_file(extension='.gz') contents = contents or '' if type(contents) is str: contents = contents.encode() with, "w") as file: file.write(contents) return path
def files_find(path_pattern, recursive=True)
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@staticmethod def find(path_pattern, recursive=True): return glob.glob(path_pattern, recursive=recursive)
def files_list(path, pattern='*.*')
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@staticmethod def files(path, pattern= '*.*'): # todo: check behaviour and improve ability to detect file (vs folders) result = [] for file in Path(path).rglob(pattern): result.append(str(file)) # todo: see if there is a better way to do this conversion to string return sorted(result)
def files_names(files: list, check_if_exists=True)
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@staticmethod def files_names(files : list, check_if_exists=True): result = [] for file in files: if is_file(file): result.append(file_name(file, check_if_exists=check_if_exists)) return result
def files_recursive(parent_dir, include_folders=False)
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@staticmethod def files_recursive(parent_dir, include_folders=False): all_files = [] if os.path.isdir(parent_dir): for item in os.listdir(parent_dir): item_path = os.path.join(parent_dir, item) if os.path.isfile(item_path): all_files.append(item_path) elif os.path.isdir(item_path): if include_folders: all_files.append(item_path + '/') all_files.extend(files_recursive(item_path,include_folders=include_folders)) return sorted(all_files)
def filter_parent_folder(items, folder)
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@staticmethod def filter_parent_folder(items, folder): all_relative_items = [] for item in items: all_relative_items.append(item.replace(folder, '')[1:]) return sorted(all_relative_items)
def find_files(path, pattern='*.*')
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@staticmethod def files(path, pattern= '*.*'): # todo: check behaviour and improve ability to detect file (vs folders) result = [] for file in Path(path).rglob(pattern): result.append(str(file)) # todo: see if there is a better way to do this conversion to string return sorted(result)
def folder_copy(source, destination, ignore_pattern=None)
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@staticmethod def folder_copy(source, destination, ignore_pattern=None): if ignore_pattern: if type(ignore_pattern) is str: ignore_pattern = [ignore_pattern] ignore = shutil.ignore_patterns(*ignore_pattern) # for example ignore_pattern = ['*.pyc','.DS_Store'] else: ignore = None return shutil.copytree(src=source, dst=destination, ignore=ignore)
def folder_copy_except(source, destination, ignore_pattern=None)
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@staticmethod def folder_copy(source, destination, ignore_pattern=None): if ignore_pattern: if type(ignore_pattern) is str: ignore_pattern = [ignore_pattern] ignore = shutil.ignore_patterns(*ignore_pattern) # for example ignore_pattern = ['*.pyc','.DS_Store'] else: ignore = None return shutil.copytree(src=source, dst=destination, ignore=ignore)
def folder_create(path)
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@staticmethod def folder_create(path): if folder_exists(path): return path os.makedirs(path) return path
def folder_create_in_parent(path, name)
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@staticmethod def folder_create_in_parent(path, name): folder_path = path_combine(path, name) return folder_create(folder_path)
def folder_create_temp(prefix=None, suffix=None, target_folder=None)
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@staticmethod def temp_folder(prefix=None, suffix=None,target_folder=None): return tempfile.mkdtemp(suffix, prefix, target_folder)
def folder_delete(target_folder)
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@staticmethod def folder_delete(target_folder): if folder_exists(target_folder): try: os.rmdir(target_folder) return True except OSError: pass return False
def folder_delete_all(path)
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@staticmethod def folder_delete_all(path): # this will remove recursively if folder_exists(path): shutil.rmtree(path) return folder_exists(path) is False return False
def folder_delete_recursively(path)
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@staticmethod def folder_delete_all(path): # this will remove recursively if folder_exists(path): shutil.rmtree(path) return folder_exists(path) is False return False
def folder_exists(path)
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@staticmethod def folder_exists(path): return is_folder(path)
def folder_files(path, pattern='*.*')
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@staticmethod def files(path, pattern= '*.*'): # todo: check behaviour and improve ability to detect file (vs folders) result = [] for file in Path(path).rglob(pattern): result.append(str(file)) # todo: see if there is a better way to do this conversion to string return sorted(result)
def folder_name(path)
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@staticmethod def folder_name(path): if path: return os.path.basename(path)
def folder_not_exists(path)
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@staticmethod def folder_not_exists(path): return folder_exists(path) is False
def folder_sub_folders(path)
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@staticmethod def folder_sub_folders(path): result = [] item: os.DirEntry if Files.is_folder(path): for item in os.scandir(path): if item.is_dir(): result.append(item.path) return result
def folder_temp(prefix=None, suffix=None, target_folder=None)
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@staticmethod def temp_folder(prefix=None, suffix=None,target_folder=None): return tempfile.mkdtemp(suffix, prefix, target_folder)
def folders_in_folder(path)
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@staticmethod def folder_sub_folders(path): result = [] item: os.DirEntry if Files.is_folder(path): for item in os.scandir(path): if item.is_dir(): result.append(item.path) return result
def folders_names(folders: list)
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@staticmethod def folders_names(folders : list): result = [] for folder in folders: if folder: result.append(folder_name(folder)) return sorted(result)
def folders_names_in_folder(target)
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def folders_names_in_folder(target): folders = folders_in_folder(target) return folders_names(folders)
def folders_recursive(parent_dir)
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@staticmethod def folders_recursive(parent_dir): subdirectories = [] for item in os.listdir(parent_dir): item_path = os.path.join(parent_dir, item) if os.path.isdir(item_path): subdirectories.append(item_path) subdirectories.extend(folders_recursive(item_path)) return sorted(subdirectories)
def folders_sub_folders(folders: list)
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@staticmethod def folders_sub_folders(folders : list): result = [] for folder in folders: result.extend(Files.folder_sub_folders(folder)) return result
def is_file(target)
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@staticmethod def is_file(target): if isinstance(target, Path): return target.is_file() if type(target) is str: return os.path.isfile(target) return False
def is_folder(target)
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@staticmethod def is_folder(target): if isinstance(target, Path): return target.is_dir() if type(target) is str: return os.path.isdir(target) return False
def load_file(path, mode='rt')
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@staticmethod def contents(path, mode='rt'): if file_exists(path): with file_open(path, mode) as file: return
def load_file_gz(path, mode='rt')
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@staticmethod def contents_gz(path, mode='rt'): if file_exists(path): with file_open_gz(path, mode) as file: return
def parent_folder(path)
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@staticmethod def parent_folder(path): if path: return os.path.dirname(path)
def parent_folder_combine(file, path)
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@staticmethod def parent_folder_combine(file, path): return Files.path_combine(os.path.dirname(file),path)
def path_append(path1, path2)
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@staticmethod def path_combine(path1, path2): if type(path1) in [str, Path] and type(path2) in [str, Path]: parent_path = str(path1) sub_path = str(path2) if sub_path.startswith('/'): sub_path = sub_path[1:] return abspath(join(parent_path,sub_path))
def path_combine(path1, path2)
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@staticmethod def path_combine(path1, path2): if type(path1) in [str, Path] and type(path2) in [str, Path]: parent_path = str(path1) sub_path = str(path2) if sub_path.startswith('/'): sub_path = sub_path[1:] return abspath(join(parent_path,sub_path))
def path_current()
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@staticmethod def current_folder(): return Files.path_combine(".","")
def pickle_load_from_file(path=None)
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@staticmethod def pickle_load_from_file(path=None): file_to_read = open(path, "rb") loaded_object = pickle.load(file_to_read) file_to_read.close() return loaded_object
def pickle_save_to_file(object_to_save, path=None)
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@staticmethod def pickle_save_to_file(object_to_save, path=None): path = path or temp_file(extension=".pickle") file_to_store = open(path, "wb") pickle.dump(object_to_save, file_to_store) file_to_store.close() return path
def safe_file_name(file_name)
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@staticmethod def safe_file_name(file_name): if type(file_name) is not str: file_name = f"{file_name}" return re.sub(r'[^a-zA-Z0-9_.-]', '_',file_name or '')
def save_bytes_as_file(bytes_to_save, path=None, extension=None)
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@staticmethod def save_bytes_as_file(bytes_to_save, path=None, extension=None): if path is None: path = Files.temp_file(extension) with open(path, 'wb') as fp: fp.write(bytes_to_save) return path
def save_string_as_file(contents, path=None, extension=None)
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@staticmethod def save(contents, path=None, extension=None): path = path or temp_file(extension=extension) file_create(path, contents) return path
def stream_to_bytes(stream)
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def stream_to_bytes(stream): return
def stream_to_file(stream, path=None)
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def stream_to_file(stream, path=None): if path is None: # if path is not defined path = Files.temp_file() # save it to a temp file with open(path, 'wb') as file: # Write the content to the file file.write( return path
def sub_folders(target)
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@staticmethod def sub_folders(target): if type(target) is list: return Files.folders_sub_folders(target) if type(target) is str: return Files.folder_sub_folders(target) return []
def temp_file(extension='.tmp', contents=None, target_folder=None)
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@staticmethod def temp_file(extension = '.tmp', contents=None, target_folder=None): extension = file_extension_fix(extension) if target_folder is None: (fd, tmp_file) = tempfile.mkstemp(extension) file_delete(tmp_file) else: tmp_file = path_combine(target_folder, temp_filename(extension)) if contents: file_create(tmp_file, contents) return tmp_file
def temp_file_in_folder(target_folder, prefix='temp_file_', postfix='.txt')
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@staticmethod def temp_file_in_folder(target_folder, prefix="temp_file_", postfix='.txt'): if is_folder(target_folder): path_to_file = path_combine(target_folder, random_string(prefix=prefix, postfix=postfix)) file_create(path_to_file, random_string()) return path_to_file
def temp_filename(extension='.tmp')
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@staticmethod def temp_filename(extension='.tmp'): return file_name(temp_file(extension), check_if_exists=False)
def temp_folder(prefix=None, suffix=None, target_folder=None)
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@staticmethod def temp_folder(prefix=None, suffix=None,target_folder=None): return tempfile.mkdtemp(suffix, prefix, target_folder)
def temp_folder_current()
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@staticmethod def temp_folder_current(): return tempfile.gettempdir()
def temp_folder_with_temp_file(prefix=None, suffix=None, parent_folder=None, file_name='temp_file.txt', file_contents='temp_file')
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@staticmethod def temp_folder_with_temp_file(prefix=None, suffix=None,parent_folder=None, file_name='temp_file.txt', file_contents='temp_file'): folder = temp_folder(prefix,suffix,parent_folder) file_create(path_combine(folder,file_name), file_contents) return folder
class Files
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class Files: @staticmethod def bytes(path): with open(path, 'rb') as file: return @staticmethod def copy(source:str, destination:str) -> str: if file_exists(source): # make sure source file exists destination_parent_folder = parent_folder(destination) # get target parent folder folder_create(destination_parent_folder) # ensure target folder exists # todo: check if this is still needed (we should be using a copy method that creates the required fodlers) return shutil.copy(source, destination) # copy file and returns file destination @staticmethod def contains(path, content): text = Files.contents(path) if type(content) is list: for item in content: if item not in text: return False return True return content in text @staticmethod def contents(path, mode='rt'): if file_exists(path): with file_open(path, mode) as file: return @staticmethod def contents_gz(path, mode='rt'): if file_exists(path): with file_open_gz(path, mode) as file: return @staticmethod def contents_md5(path): from osbot_utils.utils.Misc import bytes_md5 return bytes_md5(file_contents_as_bytes(path)) @staticmethod def contents_sha256(path): from osbot_utils.utils.Misc import bytes_sha256 return bytes_sha256(file_contents_as_bytes(path)) @staticmethod def current_folder(): return Files.path_combine(".","") @staticmethod def delete(path): if Files.exists(path): os.remove(path) return Files.exists(path) is False return False @staticmethod def exists(path): return is_file(str(path)) # if path and is_file(path): # return os.path.exists(path) # return False @staticmethod def find(path_pattern, recursive=True): return glob.glob(path_pattern, recursive=recursive) @staticmethod def files(path, pattern= '*.*'): # todo: check behaviour and improve ability to detect file (vs folders) result = [] for file in Path(path).rglob(pattern): result.append(str(file)) # todo: see if there is a better way to do this conversion to string return sorted(result) @staticmethod def files_names(files : list, check_if_exists=True): result = [] for file in files: if is_file(file): result.append(file_name(file, check_if_exists=check_if_exists)) return result @staticmethod def file_create_all_parent_folders(file_path): if file_path: parent_path = parent_folder(file_path) if parent_path: path = Path(parent_path) path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) return parent_path @staticmethod def file_name(path, check_if_exists=True): if is_file(path) or check_if_exists is False: return os.path.basename(path) @staticmethod def file_name_without_extension(path): if path: path_file_name = file_name(path) extension = file_extension(path_file_name) if extension: return path_file_name.replace(extension, '') @staticmethod def file_extension(path): if path and '.' in path: return os.path.splitext(path)[1] return '' @staticmethod def file_extension_fix(extension): if extension is None or len(extension) == 0: # if it None or empty return default .tmp extension return '.tmp' if extension[0] != '.': # make sure that the extension starts with a dot return '.' + extension return extension @staticmethod def file_to_base64(path): return bytes_to_base64(file_bytes(path)) @staticmethod def file_from_base64(bytes_base64, path=None, extension=None): bytes_ = base64_to_bytes(bytes_base64) return file_create_bytes(bytes=bytes_, path=path, extension=None) @staticmethod def file_size(path): return file_stats(path).st_size @staticmethod def file_stats(path): return os.stat(path) @staticmethod def filter_parent_folder(items, folder): all_relative_items = [] for item in items: all_relative_items.append(item.replace(folder, '')[1:]) return sorted(all_relative_items) @staticmethod def files_recursive(parent_dir, include_folders=False): all_files = [] if os.path.isdir(parent_dir): for item in os.listdir(parent_dir): item_path = os.path.join(parent_dir, item) if os.path.isfile(item_path): all_files.append(item_path) elif os.path.isdir(item_path): if include_folders: all_files.append(item_path + '/') all_files.extend(files_recursive(item_path,include_folders=include_folders)) return sorted(all_files) @staticmethod def folder_exists(path): return is_folder(path) @staticmethod def folder_copy(source, destination, ignore_pattern=None): if ignore_pattern: if type(ignore_pattern) is str: ignore_pattern = [ignore_pattern] ignore = shutil.ignore_patterns(*ignore_pattern) # for example ignore_pattern = ['*.pyc','.DS_Store'] else: ignore = None return shutil.copytree(src=source, dst=destination, ignore=ignore) @staticmethod def folder_create(path): if folder_exists(path): return path os.makedirs(path) return path @staticmethod def folder_create_in_parent(path, name): folder_path = path_combine(path, name) return folder_create(folder_path) @staticmethod def folder_delete(target_folder): if folder_exists(target_folder): try: os.rmdir(target_folder) return True except OSError: pass return False @staticmethod def folder_delete_all(path): # this will remove recursively if folder_exists(path): shutil.rmtree(path) return folder_exists(path) is False return False @staticmethod def folder_name(path): if path: return os.path.basename(path) @staticmethod def folder_not_exists(path): return folder_exists(path) is False @staticmethod def folder_sub_folders(path): result = [] item: os.DirEntry if Files.is_folder(path): for item in os.scandir(path): if item.is_dir(): result.append(item.path) return result @staticmethod def folders_names(folders : list): result = [] for folder in folders: if folder: result.append(folder_name(folder)) return sorted(result) @staticmethod def folders_sub_folders(folders : list): result = [] for folder in folders: result.extend(Files.folder_sub_folders(folder)) return result @staticmethod def folders_recursive(parent_dir): subdirectories = [] for item in os.listdir(parent_dir): item_path = os.path.join(parent_dir, item) if os.path.isdir(item_path): subdirectories.append(item_path) subdirectories.extend(folders_recursive(item_path)) return sorted(subdirectories) @staticmethod def is_file(target): if isinstance(target, Path): return target.is_file() if type(target) is str: return os.path.isfile(target) return False @staticmethod def is_folder(target): if isinstance(target, Path): return target.is_dir() if type(target) is str: return os.path.isdir(target) return False @staticmethod def lines(path): with open(path, "rt") as file: for line in file: yield line @staticmethod def lines_gz(path): with, "rt") as file: for line in file: yield line @staticmethod def not_exists(path): return os.path.exists(str(path)) is False @staticmethod def open(path, mode='r'): return open(path, mode=mode) @staticmethod def open_gz(path, mode='r'): return, mode=mode) @staticmethod def open_bytes(path): return, mode='rb') @staticmethod def path_combine(path1, path2): if type(path1) in [str, Path] and type(path2) in [str, Path]: parent_path = str(path1) sub_path = str(path2) if sub_path.startswith('/'): sub_path = sub_path[1:] return abspath(join(parent_path,sub_path)) @staticmethod def parent_folder(path): if path: return os.path.dirname(path) @staticmethod def parent_folder_combine(file, path): return Files.path_combine(os.path.dirname(file),path) @staticmethod def pickle_save_to_file(object_to_save, path=None): path = path or temp_file(extension=".pickle") file_to_store = open(path, "wb") pickle.dump(object_to_save, file_to_store) file_to_store.close() return path @staticmethod def pickle_load_from_file(path=None): file_to_read = open(path, "rb") loaded_object = pickle.load(file_to_read) file_to_read.close() return loaded_object @staticmethod def safe_file_name(file_name): if type(file_name) is not str: file_name = f"{file_name}" return re.sub(r'[^a-zA-Z0-9_.-]', '_',file_name or '') @staticmethod def save(contents, path=None, extension=None): path = path or temp_file(extension=extension) file_create(path, contents) return path @staticmethod def sub_folders(target): if type(target) is list: return Files.folders_sub_folders(target) if type(target) is str: return Files.folder_sub_folders(target) return [] @staticmethod def save_bytes_as_file(bytes_to_save, path=None, extension=None): if path is None: path = Files.temp_file(extension) with open(path, 'wb') as fp: fp.write(bytes_to_save) return path @staticmethod def temp_file(extension = '.tmp', contents=None, target_folder=None): extension = file_extension_fix(extension) if target_folder is None: (fd, tmp_file) = tempfile.mkstemp(extension) file_delete(tmp_file) else: tmp_file = path_combine(target_folder, temp_filename(extension)) if contents: file_create(tmp_file, contents) return tmp_file @staticmethod def temp_file_in_folder(target_folder, prefix="temp_file_", postfix='.txt'): if is_folder(target_folder): path_to_file = path_combine(target_folder, random_string(prefix=prefix, postfix=postfix)) file_create(path_to_file, random_string()) return path_to_file @staticmethod def temp_filename(extension='.tmp'): return file_name(temp_file(extension), check_if_exists=False) @staticmethod def temp_folder(prefix=None, suffix=None,target_folder=None): return tempfile.mkdtemp(suffix, prefix, target_folder) @staticmethod def temp_folder_current(): return tempfile.gettempdir() @staticmethod def temp_folder_with_temp_file(prefix=None, suffix=None,parent_folder=None, file_name='temp_file.txt', file_contents='temp_file'): folder = temp_folder(prefix,suffix,parent_folder) file_create(path_combine(folder,file_name), file_contents) return folder @staticmethod def write(path = None,contents=None, extension=None, mode='w'): path = path or temp_file(extension) contents = contents or '' with open(file=path, mode=mode) as file: file.write(contents) return path @staticmethod def write_bytes(path=None, bytes=None, extension=None): return Files.write(path=path, contents=bytes, extension=extension, mode='wb') @staticmethod def write_gz(path=None, contents=None): path = path or temp_file(extension='.gz') contents = contents or '' if type(contents) is str: contents = contents.encode() with, "w") as file: file.write(contents) return path
Static methods
def bytes(path)
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@staticmethod def bytes(path): with open(path, 'rb') as file: return
def contains(path, content)
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@staticmethod def contains(path, content): text = Files.contents(path) if type(content) is list: for item in content: if item not in text: return False return True return content in text
def contents(path, mode='rt')
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@staticmethod def contents(path, mode='rt'): if file_exists(path): with file_open(path, mode) as file: return
def contents_gz(path, mode='rt')
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@staticmethod def contents_gz(path, mode='rt'): if file_exists(path): with file_open_gz(path, mode) as file: return
def contents_md5(path)
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@staticmethod def contents_md5(path): from osbot_utils.utils.Misc import bytes_md5 return bytes_md5(file_contents_as_bytes(path))
def contents_sha256(path)
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@staticmethod def contents_sha256(path): from osbot_utils.utils.Misc import bytes_sha256 return bytes_sha256(file_contents_as_bytes(path))
def copy(source: str, destination: str) ‑> str
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@staticmethod def copy(source:str, destination:str) -> str: if file_exists(source): # make sure source file exists destination_parent_folder = parent_folder(destination) # get target parent folder folder_create(destination_parent_folder) # ensure target folder exists # todo: check if this is still needed (we should be using a copy method that creates the required fodlers) return shutil.copy(source, destination) # copy file and returns file destination
def current_folder()
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@staticmethod def current_folder(): return Files.path_combine(".","")
def delete(path)
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@staticmethod def delete(path): if Files.exists(path): os.remove(path) return Files.exists(path) is False return False
def exists(path)
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@staticmethod def exists(path): return is_file(str(path)) # if path and is_file(path): # return os.path.exists(path) # return False
def file_create_all_parent_folders(file_path)
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@staticmethod def file_create_all_parent_folders(file_path): if file_path: parent_path = parent_folder(file_path) if parent_path: path = Path(parent_path) path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) return parent_path
def file_extension(path)
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@staticmethod def file_extension(path): if path and '.' in path: return os.path.splitext(path)[1] return ''
def file_extension_fix(extension)
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@staticmethod def file_extension_fix(extension): if extension is None or len(extension) == 0: # if it None or empty return default .tmp extension return '.tmp' if extension[0] != '.': # make sure that the extension starts with a dot return '.' + extension return extension
def file_from_base64(bytes_base64, path=None, extension=None)
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@staticmethod def file_from_base64(bytes_base64, path=None, extension=None): bytes_ = base64_to_bytes(bytes_base64) return file_create_bytes(bytes=bytes_, path=path, extension=None)
def file_name(path, check_if_exists=True)
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@staticmethod def file_name(path, check_if_exists=True): if is_file(path) or check_if_exists is False: return os.path.basename(path)
def file_name_without_extension(path)
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@staticmethod def file_name_without_extension(path): if path: path_file_name = file_name(path) extension = file_extension(path_file_name) if extension: return path_file_name.replace(extension, '')
def file_size(path)
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@staticmethod def file_size(path): return file_stats(path).st_size
def file_stats(path)
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@staticmethod def file_stats(path): return os.stat(path)
def file_to_base64(path)
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@staticmethod def file_to_base64(path): return bytes_to_base64(file_bytes(path))
def files(path, pattern='*.*')
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@staticmethod def files(path, pattern= '*.*'): # todo: check behaviour and improve ability to detect file (vs folders) result = [] for file in Path(path).rglob(pattern): result.append(str(file)) # todo: see if there is a better way to do this conversion to string return sorted(result)
def files_names(files: list, check_if_exists=True)
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@staticmethod def files_names(files : list, check_if_exists=True): result = [] for file in files: if is_file(file): result.append(file_name(file, check_if_exists=check_if_exists)) return result
def files_recursive(parent_dir, include_folders=False)
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@staticmethod def files_recursive(parent_dir, include_folders=False): all_files = [] if os.path.isdir(parent_dir): for item in os.listdir(parent_dir): item_path = os.path.join(parent_dir, item) if os.path.isfile(item_path): all_files.append(item_path) elif os.path.isdir(item_path): if include_folders: all_files.append(item_path + '/') all_files.extend(files_recursive(item_path,include_folders=include_folders)) return sorted(all_files)
def filter_parent_folder(items, folder)
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@staticmethod def filter_parent_folder(items, folder): all_relative_items = [] for item in items: all_relative_items.append(item.replace(folder, '')[1:]) return sorted(all_relative_items)
def find(path_pattern, recursive=True)
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@staticmethod def find(path_pattern, recursive=True): return glob.glob(path_pattern, recursive=recursive)
def folder_copy(source, destination, ignore_pattern=None)
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@staticmethod def folder_copy(source, destination, ignore_pattern=None): if ignore_pattern: if type(ignore_pattern) is str: ignore_pattern = [ignore_pattern] ignore = shutil.ignore_patterns(*ignore_pattern) # for example ignore_pattern = ['*.pyc','.DS_Store'] else: ignore = None return shutil.copytree(src=source, dst=destination, ignore=ignore)
def folder_create(path)
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@staticmethod def folder_create(path): if folder_exists(path): return path os.makedirs(path) return path
def folder_create_in_parent(path, name)
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@staticmethod def folder_create_in_parent(path, name): folder_path = path_combine(path, name) return folder_create(folder_path)
def folder_delete(target_folder)
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@staticmethod def folder_delete(target_folder): if folder_exists(target_folder): try: os.rmdir(target_folder) return True except OSError: pass return False
def folder_delete_all(path)
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@staticmethod def folder_delete_all(path): # this will remove recursively if folder_exists(path): shutil.rmtree(path) return folder_exists(path) is False return False
def folder_exists(path)
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@staticmethod def folder_exists(path): return is_folder(path)
def folder_name(path)
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@staticmethod def folder_name(path): if path: return os.path.basename(path)
def folder_not_exists(path)
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@staticmethod def folder_not_exists(path): return folder_exists(path) is False
def folder_sub_folders(path)
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@staticmethod def folder_sub_folders(path): result = [] item: os.DirEntry if Files.is_folder(path): for item in os.scandir(path): if item.is_dir(): result.append(item.path) return result
def folders_names(folders: list)
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@staticmethod def folders_names(folders : list): result = [] for folder in folders: if folder: result.append(folder_name(folder)) return sorted(result)
def folders_recursive(parent_dir)
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@staticmethod def folders_recursive(parent_dir): subdirectories = [] for item in os.listdir(parent_dir): item_path = os.path.join(parent_dir, item) if os.path.isdir(item_path): subdirectories.append(item_path) subdirectories.extend(folders_recursive(item_path)) return sorted(subdirectories)
def folders_sub_folders(folders: list)
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@staticmethod def folders_sub_folders(folders : list): result = [] for folder in folders: result.extend(Files.folder_sub_folders(folder)) return result
def is_file(target)
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@staticmethod def is_file(target): if isinstance(target, Path): return target.is_file() if type(target) is str: return os.path.isfile(target) return False
def is_folder(target)
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@staticmethod def is_folder(target): if isinstance(target, Path): return target.is_dir() if type(target) is str: return os.path.isdir(target) return False
def lines(path)
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@staticmethod def lines(path): with open(path, "rt") as file: for line in file: yield line
def lines_gz(path)
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@staticmethod def lines_gz(path): with, "rt") as file: for line in file: yield line
def not_exists(path)
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@staticmethod def not_exists(path): return os.path.exists(str(path)) is False
def open(path, mode='r')
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@staticmethod def open(path, mode='r'): return open(path, mode=mode)
def open_bytes(path)
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@staticmethod def open_bytes(path): return, mode='rb')
def open_gz(path, mode='r')
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@staticmethod def open_gz(path, mode='r'): return, mode=mode)
def parent_folder(path)
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@staticmethod def parent_folder(path): if path: return os.path.dirname(path)
def parent_folder_combine(file, path)
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@staticmethod def parent_folder_combine(file, path): return Files.path_combine(os.path.dirname(file),path)
def path_combine(path1, path2)
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@staticmethod def path_combine(path1, path2): if type(path1) in [str, Path] and type(path2) in [str, Path]: parent_path = str(path1) sub_path = str(path2) if sub_path.startswith('/'): sub_path = sub_path[1:] return abspath(join(parent_path,sub_path))
def pickle_load_from_file(path=None)
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@staticmethod def pickle_load_from_file(path=None): file_to_read = open(path, "rb") loaded_object = pickle.load(file_to_read) file_to_read.close() return loaded_object
def pickle_save_to_file(object_to_save, path=None)
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@staticmethod def pickle_save_to_file(object_to_save, path=None): path = path or temp_file(extension=".pickle") file_to_store = open(path, "wb") pickle.dump(object_to_save, file_to_store) file_to_store.close() return path
def safe_file_name(file_name)
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@staticmethod def safe_file_name(file_name): if type(file_name) is not str: file_name = f"{file_name}" return re.sub(r'[^a-zA-Z0-9_.-]', '_',file_name or '')
def save(contents, path=None, extension=None)
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@staticmethod def save(contents, path=None, extension=None): path = path or temp_file(extension=extension) file_create(path, contents) return path
def save_bytes_as_file(bytes_to_save, path=None, extension=None)
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@staticmethod def save_bytes_as_file(bytes_to_save, path=None, extension=None): if path is None: path = Files.temp_file(extension) with open(path, 'wb') as fp: fp.write(bytes_to_save) return path
def sub_folders(target)
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@staticmethod def sub_folders(target): if type(target) is list: return Files.folders_sub_folders(target) if type(target) is str: return Files.folder_sub_folders(target) return []
def temp_file(extension='.tmp', contents=None, target_folder=None)
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@staticmethod def temp_file(extension = '.tmp', contents=None, target_folder=None): extension = file_extension_fix(extension) if target_folder is None: (fd, tmp_file) = tempfile.mkstemp(extension) file_delete(tmp_file) else: tmp_file = path_combine(target_folder, temp_filename(extension)) if contents: file_create(tmp_file, contents) return tmp_file
def temp_file_in_folder(target_folder, prefix='temp_file_', postfix='.txt')
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@staticmethod def temp_file_in_folder(target_folder, prefix="temp_file_", postfix='.txt'): if is_folder(target_folder): path_to_file = path_combine(target_folder, random_string(prefix=prefix, postfix=postfix)) file_create(path_to_file, random_string()) return path_to_file
def temp_filename(extension='.tmp')
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@staticmethod def temp_filename(extension='.tmp'): return file_name(temp_file(extension), check_if_exists=False)
def temp_folder(prefix=None, suffix=None, target_folder=None)
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@staticmethod def temp_folder(prefix=None, suffix=None,target_folder=None): return tempfile.mkdtemp(suffix, prefix, target_folder)
def temp_folder_current()
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@staticmethod def temp_folder_current(): return tempfile.gettempdir()
def temp_folder_with_temp_file(prefix=None, suffix=None, parent_folder=None, file_name='temp_file.txt', file_contents='temp_file')
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@staticmethod def temp_folder_with_temp_file(prefix=None, suffix=None,parent_folder=None, file_name='temp_file.txt', file_contents='temp_file'): folder = temp_folder(prefix,suffix,parent_folder) file_create(path_combine(folder,file_name), file_contents) return folder
def write(path=None, contents=None, extension=None, mode='w')
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@staticmethod def write(path = None,contents=None, extension=None, mode='w'): path = path or temp_file(extension) contents = contents or '' with open(file=path, mode=mode) as file: file.write(contents) return path
def write_bytes(path=None, bytes=None, extension=None)
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@staticmethod def write_bytes(path=None, bytes=None, extension=None): return Files.write(path=path, contents=bytes, extension=extension, mode='wb')
def write_gz(path=None, contents=None)
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@staticmethod def write_gz(path=None, contents=None): path = path or temp_file(extension='.gz') contents = contents or '' if type(contents) is str: contents = contents.encode() with, "w") as file: file.write(contents) return path