Module osbot_utils.utils.Env

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# In
import os
from sys import platform

from osbot_utils.utils.Dev import pprint
from osbot_utils.utils.Files import all_parent_folders
from osbot_utils.utils.Misc import list_set
from osbot_utils.utils.Str import strip_quotes

def env__home_root():
    return os.getenv('HOME') == '/root'

def env__terminal_xterm():
    return os.getenv('TERM') == 'xterm'

def env__not_terminal_xterm():
    return not env__terminal_xterm()

def platform_darwin():
    return platform == 'darwin'

def env_value(var_name):
    return env_vars().get(var_name, None)

def env_vars_list():
    return list_set(env_vars())

def env_vars(reload_vars=False):
    if reload_vars reload data from .env file
    then return dictionary with current environment variables
    if reload_vars:
    vars = os.environ
    data = {}
    for key in vars:
        data[key] = vars[key]
    return data

def env_load_from_file(path, override=False):
    if os.path.exists(path):
        with open(path) as f:
            for line in f:
                line = line.strip()
                if not line or line.startswith('#'):                # Strip whitespace and ignore comments
                if line.startswith('export '):                      # if the line starts with export, we can ignore it and continue
                    line = line[7:]
                key, value = line.split(sep='=', maxsplit=1)        # Split the line into key and value
                value = strip_quotes(value.strip())                 # Handle case when the value is in quotes
                if override or key.strip() not in os.environ:       # Set the environment variable
                    os.environ[key.strip()] = value.strip()

def env_unload_from_file(path):
    if os.path.exists(path):
        with open(path) as f:
            for line in f:
                line = line.strip()
                if not line or line.startswith('#'):  # Strip whitespace and ignore comments
                key, _ = line.split(sep='=', maxsplit=1)  # Split the line into key and value
                key = key.strip()
                if key in os.environ:  # Remove the environment variable if it exists
                    del os.environ[key]

def load_dotenv(dotenv_path=None, override=False):
    if dotenv_path:                                                 # If a specific dotenv path is provided, load from it
        env_load_from_file(dotenv_path, override)
        directories = all_parent_folders(include_path=True)         # Define the possible directories to search for the .env file (which is this and all parent folders)
        for directory in directories:                               # Iterate through the directories and load the .env file if found
            env_path = os.path.join(directory, '.env')              # Define the path to the .env file
            if os.path.exists(env_path):                            # If we found one
                env_load_from_file(env_path, override)              # Process it
                break                                               # Stop after loading the first .env file                                                     # Stop after loading the first .env file

def unload_dotenv(dotenv_path=None):
    if dotenv_path:                                                 # If a specific dotenv path is provided, unload from it
        directories = all_parent_folders(include_path=True)         # Define the possible directories to search for the .env file (which is this and all parent folders)
        for directory in directories:                               # Iterate through the directories and unload the .env file if found
            env_path = os.path.join(directory, '.env')              # Define the path to the .env file
            if os.path.exists(env_path):                            # If we found one
                env_unload_from_file(env_path)                      # Process it
                break                                               # Stop after unloading the first .env file

env_load = load_dotenv


def env__home_root()
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def env__home_root():
    return os.getenv('HOME') == '/root'
def env__not_terminal_xterm()
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def env__not_terminal_xterm():
    return not env__terminal_xterm()
def env__terminal_xterm()
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def env__terminal_xterm():
    return os.getenv('TERM') == 'xterm'
def env_load(dotenv_path=None, override=False)
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def load_dotenv(dotenv_path=None, override=False):
    if dotenv_path:                                                 # If a specific dotenv path is provided, load from it
        env_load_from_file(dotenv_path, override)
        directories = all_parent_folders(include_path=True)         # Define the possible directories to search for the .env file (which is this and all parent folders)
        for directory in directories:                               # Iterate through the directories and load the .env file if found
            env_path = os.path.join(directory, '.env')              # Define the path to the .env file
            if os.path.exists(env_path):                            # If we found one
                env_load_from_file(env_path, override)              # Process it
                break                                               # Stop after loading the first .env file                                                     # Stop after loading the first .env file
def env_load_from_file(path, override=False)
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def env_load_from_file(path, override=False):
    if os.path.exists(path):
        with open(path) as f:
            for line in f:
                line = line.strip()
                if not line or line.startswith('#'):                # Strip whitespace and ignore comments
                if line.startswith('export '):                      # if the line starts with export, we can ignore it and continue
                    line = line[7:]
                key, value = line.split(sep='=', maxsplit=1)        # Split the line into key and value
                value = strip_quotes(value.strip())                 # Handle case when the value is in quotes
                if override or key.strip() not in os.environ:       # Set the environment variable
                    os.environ[key.strip()] = value.strip()
def env_unload_from_file(path)
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def env_unload_from_file(path):
    if os.path.exists(path):
        with open(path) as f:
            for line in f:
                line = line.strip()
                if not line or line.startswith('#'):  # Strip whitespace and ignore comments
                key, _ = line.split(sep='=', maxsplit=1)  # Split the line into key and value
                key = key.strip()
                if key in os.environ:  # Remove the environment variable if it exists
                    del os.environ[key]
def env_value(var_name)
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def env_value(var_name):
    return env_vars().get(var_name, None)
def env_vars(reload_vars=False)

if reload_vars reload data from .env file then return dictionary with current environment variables

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def env_vars(reload_vars=False):
    if reload_vars reload data from .env file
    then return dictionary with current environment variables
    if reload_vars:
    vars = os.environ
    data = {}
    for key in vars:
        data[key] = vars[key]
    return data
def env_vars_list()
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def env_vars_list():
    return list_set(env_vars())
def load_dotenv(dotenv_path=None, override=False)
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def load_dotenv(dotenv_path=None, override=False):
    if dotenv_path:                                                 # If a specific dotenv path is provided, load from it
        env_load_from_file(dotenv_path, override)
        directories = all_parent_folders(include_path=True)         # Define the possible directories to search for the .env file (which is this and all parent folders)
        for directory in directories:                               # Iterate through the directories and load the .env file if found
            env_path = os.path.join(directory, '.env')              # Define the path to the .env file
            if os.path.exists(env_path):                            # If we found one
                env_load_from_file(env_path, override)              # Process it
                break                                               # Stop after loading the first .env file                                                     # Stop after loading the first .env file
def platform_darwin()
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def platform_darwin():
    return platform == 'darwin'
def unload_dotenv(dotenv_path=None)
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def unload_dotenv(dotenv_path=None):
    if dotenv_path:                                                 # If a specific dotenv path is provided, unload from it
        directories = all_parent_folders(include_path=True)         # Define the possible directories to search for the .env file (which is this and all parent folders)
        for directory in directories:                               # Iterate through the directories and unload the .env file if found
            env_path = os.path.join(directory, '.env')              # Define the path to the .env file
            if os.path.exists(env_path):                            # If we found one
                env_unload_from_file(env_path)                      # Process it
                break                                               # Stop after unloading the first .env file