Module osbot_utils.helpers.trace.Trace_Call__Handler

Expand source code
import inspect
import linecache
from osbot_utils.utils.Objects                          import class_full_name
from osbot_utils.base_classes.Kwargs_To_Self            import Kwargs_To_Self
from osbot_utils.helpers.trace.Trace_Call__Config       import Trace_Call__Config
from osbot_utils.helpers.trace.Trace_Call__Stack        import Trace_Call__Stack
from osbot_utils.helpers.trace.Trace_Call__Stack_Node   import Trace_Call__Stack_Node, EXTRA_DATA__RETURN_VALUE
from osbot_utils.helpers.trace.Trace_Call__Stats        import Trace_Call__Stats

GLOBAL_FUNCTIONS_TO_IGNORE   = ['value_type_matches_obj_annotation_for_attr'       ,            # these are type safety functions which introduce quite a lot of noise in the traces (and unless one is debugging type safety, they will not be needed)
                                'value_type_matches_obj_annotation_for_union_attr' ,            # todo: map out and document why exactly these methods are ignore (and what is the side effect)
                                'are_types_compatible_for_assigment'               ,
                                'obj_attribute_annotation'                         ,
                                'get_origin'                                       ,
                                'getmro'                                           ,
                                'default_value'                                    ,
                                'raise_exception_on_obj_type_annotation_mismatch'  ,
                                '__cls_kwargs__'        ,
                                '__default__value__'    ,
                                '__setattr__'           ,
GLOBAL_MODULES_TO_IGNORE     = ['osbot_utils.helpers.trace.Trace_Call'             ,            # todo: map out and document why exactly these modules are ignore (and what is the side effect)
                                'osbot_utils.helpers.CPrint'                       ,            #       also see if this should be done here or at the print/view stage
                                'osbot_utils.helpers.Print_Table'      ,
                                'osbot_utils.decorators.methods.cache_on_self'     ,

class Trace_Call__Handler(Kwargs_To_Self):
    config : Trace_Call__Config
    stack  : Trace_Call__Stack
    stats  : Trace_Call__Stats

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        self.config.title  = self.config.title or DEFAULT_ROOT_NODE_NODE_TITLE                           # Title for the trace root node
        self.stack.config  = self.config

    def add_default_root_node(self):
        return self.stack.add_node(title=self.config.title)

    def add_line(self, frame):
        if self.config.trace_capture_lines:
            if frame:
                target_node =  # lines captured are added to the current top of the stack
                    target_node__func_name = target_node.func_name
                    target_node__module    = target_node.module
                    frame_func_name        = frame.f_code.co_name
                    frame_module           = frame.f_globals.get("__name__", "")
                    if frame_func_name == target_node__func_name:
                        if frame_module == target_node__module:
                            return self.add_line_to_node(frame, target_node, 'line')
        return False

    def add_line_to_node(self, frame, target_node, event):
        def source_code_for_frame(function_name):
                return inspect.getsource(frame.f_code)
            except Exception as error:
                return ''
                #print(self.stack.line_index, f'def {function_name}() : error]  {error}' )
                #return f'def {function_name}() : [error]  {error}'

        if frame and target_node:
            func_name  = frame.f_code.co_name
            module     = frame.f_globals.get("__name__", "")
            self_local = class_full_name(frame.f_locals.get('self'))
            stack_size = len(self.stack)
            line =''
            if event == 'call':                                                     # if this is a call we need to do the code below to get the actual method signature (and decorators)
                function_name       = frame.f_code.co_name
                filename            = frame.f_code.co_filename                             # Get the filename where the function is defined
                start_line_number   = frame.f_code.co_firstlineno                 # Get the starting line number
                source_lines        = source_code_for_frame(function_name).split('\n')
                if source_lines:
                    def_line_number     = start_line_number                         # Try to find the actual 'def' line
                    for line in source_lines:
                        if line.strip().startswith('def ' + function_name):
                        def_line_number += 1
                        def_line_number = start_line_number                      # If the 'def' line wasn't found, default to the starting line
                    line_number = def_line_number
                    line = linecache.getline(filename, line_number).rstrip()            # todo: refactor this to not capture this info here, and to use the Ast_* utils to get a better source code mapping
                filename    = frame.f_code.co_filename  # get the filename
                line_number = frame.f_lineno                          # get the current line number
                line        = linecache.getline(filename, line_number)         # get the line

            if line:
                self.stack.line_index += 1
                line_data = dict(event=event, index = self.stack.line_index, func_name=func_name,
                                 line = line.rstrip(), line_number=line_number,
                                 module=module,  self_local=self_local,
                return True
            # else:
            #     print(f'no line for : {self.stack.line_index}, {module}.{func_name}')
        return False

    def add_frame(self, frame):
        return self.handle_event__call(frame)

    def add_trace_ignore(self, value):

    def handle_event__call(self, frame):
        if frame:
            if self.config.capture_frame_stats:
            if self.should_capture(frame):
                new_node = self.stack.add_frame(frame)
                if self.config.trace_capture_lines:
                    self.add_line_to_node(frame, new_node,'call')
                return  new_node
                self.stats.calls_skipped += 1

    def handle_event__line(self, frame):
        return self.add_line(frame)

    def handle_event__return(self, frame, return_value=None):
        if return_value and self.config.capture_extra_data:
            extra_data = { EXTRA_DATA__RETURN_VALUE : return_value}
            extra_data = {}
        return self.stack.pop(target=frame, extra_data = extra_data)

    def should_capture(self, frame):                                                    # todo: see if we can optimise these 3 lines (starting with frame.f_code) which are repeated in a number of places here
        if self.config.trace_up_to_depth:
            if len(self.stack) > self.config.trace_up_to_depth:
                return False

        capture = False
        if frame:
            code        = frame.f_code                                                      # Get code object from frame
            func_name   = code.co_name                                                      # Get function name
            module      = frame.f_globals.get("__name__", "")                               # Get module name

            if module in GLOBAL_MODULES_TO_IGNORE:                                         # check if we should skip this module
                return False

            if func_name in GLOBAL_FUNCTIONS_TO_IGNORE:                                     # check if we should skip this function
                return False

            if module and func_name:
                if self.config.trace_capture_all:
                    capture = True
                    for item in self.config.trace_capture_start_with:                                  # capture if the module starts with
                        if item:                                                                       # prevent empty queries  (which will always be true)
                            if module.startswith(item) or item =='*':
                                capture = True
                    for item in self.config.trace_capture_contains:                                    # capture if module of func_name contains
                        if item:                                                                       # prevent empty queries  (which will always be true)
                            if item in module or item in func_name:
                                capture = True
                if self.config.trace_show_internals is False and func_name.startswith('_'):                   # Skip private functions
                    capture = False

                for item in self.config.trace_ignore_start_with:                                       # Check if the module should be ignored
                    if module.startswith(item):
                        capture = False
        return capture

    def stack_json__parse_node(self, stack_node: Trace_Call__Stack_Node):
        node         =
        new_children = []
        for child in node.get('children'):
        node['children'] = new_children
        return node

    def stack_top(self):
        if self.stack:
            return self.stack[-1]

    def trace_calls(self, frame, event, arg):
        if event == 'call':
            self.stats.calls +=1
            self.handle_event__call(frame)                  # todo: handle bug with locals which need to be serialised, since it's value will change
        elif event == 'return':
            self.stats.returns += 1
            self.handle_event__return(frame, arg)
        elif event == 'exception':
            self.stats.exceptions +=1                  # for now don't handle exception events
        elif event == 'line':
            self.stats.lines +=1
            self.stats.unknowns += 1

        return self.trace_calls

    def traces(self):
        def map_traces(node, all_traces):
            if node:
                for child in node.children:
                    map_traces(child, all_traces)
        result = []
        map_traces(self.stack.root_node, result)
        return result


class Trace_Call__Handler (**kwargs)

A mixin class to strictly assign keyword arguments to pre-defined instance attributes during initialization.

This base class provides an init method that assigns values from keyword arguments to instance attributes. If an attribute with the same name as a key from the kwargs is defined in the class, it will be set to the value from kwargs. If the key does not match any predefined attribute names, an exception is raised.

This behavior enforces strict control over the attributes of instances, ensuring that only predefined attributes can be set at the time of instantiation and avoids silent attribute creation which can lead to bugs in the code.


class MyConfigurableClass(Kwargs_To_Self): attribute1 = 'default_value' attribute2 = True attribute3 : str attribute4 : list attribute4 : int = 42

# Other methods can be added here

Correctly override default values by passing keyword arguments

instance = MyConfigurableClass(attribute1='new_value', attribute2=False)

This will raise an exception as 'attribute3' is not predefined

instance = MyConfigurableClass(attribute3='invalid_attribute')

this will also assign the default value to any variable that has a type defined. In the example above the default values (mapped by default__kwargs and locals) will be: attribute1 = 'default_value' attribute2 = True attribute3 = '' # default value of str attribute4 = [] # default value of list attribute4 = 42 # defined value in the class


It is important that all attributes which may be set at instantiation are predefined in the class. Failure to do so will result in an exception being raised.


init(**kwargs): The initializer that handles the assignment of keyword arguments to instance attributes. It enforces strict attribute assignment rules, only allowing attributes that are already defined in the class to be set.

Initialize an instance of the derived class, strictly assigning provided keyword arguments to corresponding instance attributes.


**kwargs: Variable length keyword arguments.


If a key from kwargs does not correspond to any attribute pre-defined in the class, an exception is raised to prevent setting an undefined attribute.
Expand source code
class Trace_Call__Handler(Kwargs_To_Self):
    config : Trace_Call__Config
    stack  : Trace_Call__Stack
    stats  : Trace_Call__Stats

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        self.config.title  = self.config.title or DEFAULT_ROOT_NODE_NODE_TITLE                           # Title for the trace root node
        self.stack.config  = self.config

    def add_default_root_node(self):
        return self.stack.add_node(title=self.config.title)

    def add_line(self, frame):
        if self.config.trace_capture_lines:
            if frame:
                target_node =  # lines captured are added to the current top of the stack
                    target_node__func_name = target_node.func_name
                    target_node__module    = target_node.module
                    frame_func_name        = frame.f_code.co_name
                    frame_module           = frame.f_globals.get("__name__", "")
                    if frame_func_name == target_node__func_name:
                        if frame_module == target_node__module:
                            return self.add_line_to_node(frame, target_node, 'line')
        return False

    def add_line_to_node(self, frame, target_node, event):
        def source_code_for_frame(function_name):
                return inspect.getsource(frame.f_code)
            except Exception as error:
                return ''
                #print(self.stack.line_index, f'def {function_name}() : error]  {error}' )
                #return f'def {function_name}() : [error]  {error}'

        if frame and target_node:
            func_name  = frame.f_code.co_name
            module     = frame.f_globals.get("__name__", "")
            self_local = class_full_name(frame.f_locals.get('self'))
            stack_size = len(self.stack)
            line =''
            if event == 'call':                                                     # if this is a call we need to do the code below to get the actual method signature (and decorators)
                function_name       = frame.f_code.co_name
                filename            = frame.f_code.co_filename                             # Get the filename where the function is defined
                start_line_number   = frame.f_code.co_firstlineno                 # Get the starting line number
                source_lines        = source_code_for_frame(function_name).split('\n')
                if source_lines:
                    def_line_number     = start_line_number                         # Try to find the actual 'def' line
                    for line in source_lines:
                        if line.strip().startswith('def ' + function_name):
                        def_line_number += 1
                        def_line_number = start_line_number                      # If the 'def' line wasn't found, default to the starting line
                    line_number = def_line_number
                    line = linecache.getline(filename, line_number).rstrip()            # todo: refactor this to not capture this info here, and to use the Ast_* utils to get a better source code mapping
                filename    = frame.f_code.co_filename  # get the filename
                line_number = frame.f_lineno                          # get the current line number
                line        = linecache.getline(filename, line_number)         # get the line

            if line:
                self.stack.line_index += 1
                line_data = dict(event=event, index = self.stack.line_index, func_name=func_name,
                                 line = line.rstrip(), line_number=line_number,
                                 module=module,  self_local=self_local,
                return True
            # else:
            #     print(f'no line for : {self.stack.line_index}, {module}.{func_name}')
        return False

    def add_frame(self, frame):
        return self.handle_event__call(frame)

    def add_trace_ignore(self, value):

    def handle_event__call(self, frame):
        if frame:
            if self.config.capture_frame_stats:
            if self.should_capture(frame):
                new_node = self.stack.add_frame(frame)
                if self.config.trace_capture_lines:
                    self.add_line_to_node(frame, new_node,'call')
                return  new_node
                self.stats.calls_skipped += 1

    def handle_event__line(self, frame):
        return self.add_line(frame)

    def handle_event__return(self, frame, return_value=None):
        if return_value and self.config.capture_extra_data:
            extra_data = { EXTRA_DATA__RETURN_VALUE : return_value}
            extra_data = {}
        return self.stack.pop(target=frame, extra_data = extra_data)

    def should_capture(self, frame):                                                    # todo: see if we can optimise these 3 lines (starting with frame.f_code) which are repeated in a number of places here
        if self.config.trace_up_to_depth:
            if len(self.stack) > self.config.trace_up_to_depth:
                return False

        capture = False
        if frame:
            code        = frame.f_code                                                      # Get code object from frame
            func_name   = code.co_name                                                      # Get function name
            module      = frame.f_globals.get("__name__", "")                               # Get module name

            if module in GLOBAL_MODULES_TO_IGNORE:                                         # check if we should skip this module
                return False

            if func_name in GLOBAL_FUNCTIONS_TO_IGNORE:                                     # check if we should skip this function
                return False

            if module and func_name:
                if self.config.trace_capture_all:
                    capture = True
                    for item in self.config.trace_capture_start_with:                                  # capture if the module starts with
                        if item:                                                                       # prevent empty queries  (which will always be true)
                            if module.startswith(item) or item =='*':
                                capture = True
                    for item in self.config.trace_capture_contains:                                    # capture if module of func_name contains
                        if item:                                                                       # prevent empty queries  (which will always be true)
                            if item in module or item in func_name:
                                capture = True
                if self.config.trace_show_internals is False and func_name.startswith('_'):                   # Skip private functions
                    capture = False

                for item in self.config.trace_ignore_start_with:                                       # Check if the module should be ignored
                    if module.startswith(item):
                        capture = False
        return capture

    def stack_json__parse_node(self, stack_node: Trace_Call__Stack_Node):
        node         =
        new_children = []
        for child in node.get('children'):
        node['children'] = new_children
        return node

    def stack_top(self):
        if self.stack:
            return self.stack[-1]

    def trace_calls(self, frame, event, arg):
        if event == 'call':
            self.stats.calls +=1
            self.handle_event__call(frame)                  # todo: handle bug with locals which need to be serialised, since it's value will change
        elif event == 'return':
            self.stats.returns += 1
            self.handle_event__return(frame, arg)
        elif event == 'exception':
            self.stats.exceptions +=1                  # for now don't handle exception events
        elif event == 'line':
            self.stats.lines +=1
            self.stats.unknowns += 1

        return self.trace_calls

    def traces(self):
        def map_traces(node, all_traces):
            if node:
                for child in node.children:
                    map_traces(child, all_traces)
        result = []
        map_traces(self.stack.root_node, result)
        return result


Class variables

var configTrace_Call__Config
var stackTrace_Call__Stack
var statsTrace_Call__Stats


def add_default_root_node(self)
Expand source code
def add_default_root_node(self):
    return self.stack.add_node(title=self.config.title)
def add_frame(self, frame)
Expand source code
def add_frame(self, frame):
    return self.handle_event__call(frame)
def add_line(self, frame)
Expand source code
def add_line(self, frame):
    if self.config.trace_capture_lines:
        if frame:
            target_node =  # lines captured are added to the current top of the stack
                target_node__func_name = target_node.func_name
                target_node__module    = target_node.module
                frame_func_name        = frame.f_code.co_name
                frame_module           = frame.f_globals.get("__name__", "")
                if frame_func_name == target_node__func_name:
                    if frame_module == target_node__module:
                        return self.add_line_to_node(frame, target_node, 'line')
    return False
def add_line_to_node(self, frame, target_node, event)
Expand source code
def add_line_to_node(self, frame, target_node, event):
    def source_code_for_frame(function_name):
            return inspect.getsource(frame.f_code)
        except Exception as error:
            return ''
            #print(self.stack.line_index, f'def {function_name}() : error]  {error}' )
            #return f'def {function_name}() : [error]  {error}'

    if frame and target_node:
        func_name  = frame.f_code.co_name
        module     = frame.f_globals.get("__name__", "")
        self_local = class_full_name(frame.f_locals.get('self'))
        stack_size = len(self.stack)
        line =''
        if event == 'call':                                                     # if this is a call we need to do the code below to get the actual method signature (and decorators)
            function_name       = frame.f_code.co_name
            filename            = frame.f_code.co_filename                             # Get the filename where the function is defined
            start_line_number   = frame.f_code.co_firstlineno                 # Get the starting line number
            source_lines        = source_code_for_frame(function_name).split('\n')
            if source_lines:
                def_line_number     = start_line_number                         # Try to find the actual 'def' line
                for line in source_lines:
                    if line.strip().startswith('def ' + function_name):
                    def_line_number += 1
                    def_line_number = start_line_number                      # If the 'def' line wasn't found, default to the starting line
                line_number = def_line_number
                line = linecache.getline(filename, line_number).rstrip()            # todo: refactor this to not capture this info here, and to use the Ast_* utils to get a better source code mapping
            filename    = frame.f_code.co_filename  # get the filename
            line_number = frame.f_lineno                          # get the current line number
            line        = linecache.getline(filename, line_number)         # get the line

        if line:
            self.stack.line_index += 1
            line_data = dict(event=event, index = self.stack.line_index, func_name=func_name,
                             line = line.rstrip(), line_number=line_number,
                             module=module,  self_local=self_local,
            return True
        # else:
        #     print(f'no line for : {self.stack.line_index}, {module}.{func_name}')
    return False
def add_trace_ignore(self, value)
Expand source code
def add_trace_ignore(self, value):
def handle_event__call(self, frame)
Expand source code
def handle_event__call(self, frame):
    if frame:
        if self.config.capture_frame_stats:
        if self.should_capture(frame):
            new_node = self.stack.add_frame(frame)
            if self.config.trace_capture_lines:
                self.add_line_to_node(frame, new_node,'call')
            return  new_node
            self.stats.calls_skipped += 1
def handle_event__line(self, frame)
Expand source code
def handle_event__line(self, frame):
    return self.add_line(frame)
def handle_event__return(self, frame, return_value=None)
Expand source code
def handle_event__return(self, frame, return_value=None):
    if return_value and self.config.capture_extra_data:
        extra_data = { EXTRA_DATA__RETURN_VALUE : return_value}
        extra_data = {}
    return self.stack.pop(target=frame, extra_data = extra_data)
def should_capture(self, frame)
Expand source code
def should_capture(self, frame):                                                    # todo: see if we can optimise these 3 lines (starting with frame.f_code) which are repeated in a number of places here
    if self.config.trace_up_to_depth:
        if len(self.stack) > self.config.trace_up_to_depth:
            return False

    capture = False
    if frame:
        code        = frame.f_code                                                      # Get code object from frame
        func_name   = code.co_name                                                      # Get function name
        module      = frame.f_globals.get("__name__", "")                               # Get module name

        if module in GLOBAL_MODULES_TO_IGNORE:                                         # check if we should skip this module
            return False

        if func_name in GLOBAL_FUNCTIONS_TO_IGNORE:                                     # check if we should skip this function
            return False

        if module and func_name:
            if self.config.trace_capture_all:
                capture = True
                for item in self.config.trace_capture_start_with:                                  # capture if the module starts with
                    if item:                                                                       # prevent empty queries  (which will always be true)
                        if module.startswith(item) or item =='*':
                            capture = True
                for item in self.config.trace_capture_contains:                                    # capture if module of func_name contains
                    if item:                                                                       # prevent empty queries  (which will always be true)
                        if item in module or item in func_name:
                            capture = True
            if self.config.trace_show_internals is False and func_name.startswith('_'):                   # Skip private functions
                capture = False

            for item in self.config.trace_ignore_start_with:                                       # Check if the module should be ignored
                if module.startswith(item):
                    capture = False
    return capture
def stack_json__parse_node(self, stack_node: Trace_Call__Stack_Node)
Expand source code
def stack_json__parse_node(self, stack_node: Trace_Call__Stack_Node):
    node         =
    new_children = []
    for child in node.get('children'):
    node['children'] = new_children
    return node
def stack_top(self)
Expand source code
def stack_top(self):
    if self.stack:
        return self.stack[-1]
def trace_calls(self, frame, event, arg)
Expand source code
def trace_calls(self, frame, event, arg):
    if event == 'call':
        self.stats.calls +=1
        self.handle_event__call(frame)                  # todo: handle bug with locals which need to be serialised, since it's value will change
    elif event == 'return':
        self.stats.returns += 1
        self.handle_event__return(frame, arg)
    elif event == 'exception':
        self.stats.exceptions +=1                  # for now don't handle exception events
    elif event == 'line':
        self.stats.lines +=1
        self.stats.unknowns += 1

    return self.trace_calls
def traces(self)
Expand source code
def traces(self):
    def map_traces(node, all_traces):
        if node:
            for child in node.children:
                map_traces(child, all_traces)
    result = []
    map_traces(self.stack.root_node, result)
    return result

Inherited members