Module osbot_utils.helpers.html.Dict_To_Tags

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from osbot_utils.helpers.html.Dict_To_Html import HTML_SELF_CLOSING_TAGS
from osbot_utils.helpers.html.Tag__Base import Tag__Base
from osbot_utils.helpers.html.Tag__Body import Tag__Body
from osbot_utils.helpers.html.Tag__Head import Tag__Head
from osbot_utils.helpers.html.Tag__Html import Tag__Html
from osbot_utils.helpers.html.Tag__Link import Tag__Link
from osbot_utils.utils.Dev import pprint

class Dict_To_Tags:

    def __init__(self, root):
        self.root = root

    def convert(self):
        return self.convert_element(self.root)

    def convert_element(self, element):
        tag_name = element.get("tag"                )
        attrs    = element.get("attrs"      , {}    )
        children = element.get("children"   , []    )
        data     = element.get("data"       , ""    )
        if tag_name == 'html':
            return self.convert_to__tag__html(element)
        if tag_name == 'head':
            return self.convert_to__tag__head(element)
        if tag_name == 'link':
            return self.convert_to__tag__link(element)

    def convert_to__tag(self, target_tag, element, indent):
        tag_name   = element.get("tag"                )
        attrs      = element.get("attrs"      , {}    )
        children   = element.get("children"   , []    )
        data       = element.get("data"       , ''    )
        end_tag    = tag_name not in HTML_SELF_CLOSING_TAGS
        tag_indent = indent + 1
        tag_kwargs  = dict(tag_name  = tag_name    ,
                           attributes = attrs      ,
                           end_tag    = end_tag    ,
                           indent     = tag_indent ,
                           inner_html = data       )
        tag        = target_tag(**tag_kwargs)
        for child in children:
            child_tag = self.convert_to__tag(Tag__Base, child, tag_indent)

        return tag

    def convert_to__tag__head(self, element, indent):
        attrs    = element.get("attrs"      , {}    )
        children = element.get("children"   , []    )
        head_indent = indent+1
        tag_head = Tag__Head(indent=head_indent, **attrs)
        for child in children:
            tag_name = child.get("tag"     )
            data     = child.get("data", "")
            if tag_name == 'title':
                tag_head.title = data
            elif tag_name == 'link':
            elif tag_name == 'meta':
                tag_head.elements.append((self.convert_to__tag(Tag__Base, child, indent=head_indent)))
            elif tag_name == 'style':
                tag_head.elements.append((self.convert_to__tag(Tag__Base, child, indent=head_indent)))      # todo: add proper roundtrip of css data into Tag__Style (which already exists)
                print(f'[convert_to__tag__head] Unknown tag: {tag_name}')
        return tag_head

    def convert_to__tag__html(self, element):
        attrs    = element.get("attrs"      , {}    )
        children = element.get("children"   , []    )
        tag_html = Tag__Html(**attrs)
        for child in children:
            tag_name = child.get("tag" )
            if tag_name == 'head':
                tag_html.head = self.convert_to__tag__head(child, tag_html.indent)
            elif tag_name == 'body':
                tag_html.body = self.convert_to__tag(Tag__Body, child, tag_html.indent)
                print(f'unknown tag: {tag_name}')
        return tag_html

    def convert_to__tag__link(self, element):
        attrs    = element.get("attrs", {})
        tag_link = Tag__Link(**attrs)
        return tag_link


class Dict_To_Tags (root)
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class Dict_To_Tags:

    def __init__(self, root):
        self.root = root

    def convert(self):
        return self.convert_element(self.root)

    def convert_element(self, element):
        tag_name = element.get("tag"                )
        attrs    = element.get("attrs"      , {}    )
        children = element.get("children"   , []    )
        data     = element.get("data"       , ""    )
        if tag_name == 'html':
            return self.convert_to__tag__html(element)
        if tag_name == 'head':
            return self.convert_to__tag__head(element)
        if tag_name == 'link':
            return self.convert_to__tag__link(element)

    def convert_to__tag(self, target_tag, element, indent):
        tag_name   = element.get("tag"                )
        attrs      = element.get("attrs"      , {}    )
        children   = element.get("children"   , []    )
        data       = element.get("data"       , ''    )
        end_tag    = tag_name not in HTML_SELF_CLOSING_TAGS
        tag_indent = indent + 1
        tag_kwargs  = dict(tag_name  = tag_name    ,
                           attributes = attrs      ,
                           end_tag    = end_tag    ,
                           indent     = tag_indent ,
                           inner_html = data       )
        tag        = target_tag(**tag_kwargs)
        for child in children:
            child_tag = self.convert_to__tag(Tag__Base, child, tag_indent)

        return tag

    def convert_to__tag__head(self, element, indent):
        attrs    = element.get("attrs"      , {}    )
        children = element.get("children"   , []    )
        head_indent = indent+1
        tag_head = Tag__Head(indent=head_indent, **attrs)
        for child in children:
            tag_name = child.get("tag"     )
            data     = child.get("data", "")
            if tag_name == 'title':
                tag_head.title = data
            elif tag_name == 'link':
            elif tag_name == 'meta':
                tag_head.elements.append((self.convert_to__tag(Tag__Base, child, indent=head_indent)))
            elif tag_name == 'style':
                tag_head.elements.append((self.convert_to__tag(Tag__Base, child, indent=head_indent)))      # todo: add proper roundtrip of css data into Tag__Style (which already exists)
                print(f'[convert_to__tag__head] Unknown tag: {tag_name}')
        return tag_head

    def convert_to__tag__html(self, element):
        attrs    = element.get("attrs"      , {}    )
        children = element.get("children"   , []    )
        tag_html = Tag__Html(**attrs)
        for child in children:
            tag_name = child.get("tag" )
            if tag_name == 'head':
                tag_html.head = self.convert_to__tag__head(child, tag_html.indent)
            elif tag_name == 'body':
                tag_html.body = self.convert_to__tag(Tag__Body, child, tag_html.indent)
                print(f'unknown tag: {tag_name}')
        return tag_html

    def convert_to__tag__link(self, element):
        attrs    = element.get("attrs", {})
        tag_link = Tag__Link(**attrs)
        return tag_link


def convert(self)
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def convert(self):
    return self.convert_element(self.root)
def convert_element(self, element)
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def convert_element(self, element):
    tag_name = element.get("tag"                )
    attrs    = element.get("attrs"      , {}    )
    children = element.get("children"   , []    )
    data     = element.get("data"       , ""    )
    if tag_name == 'html':
        return self.convert_to__tag__html(element)
    if tag_name == 'head':
        return self.convert_to__tag__head(element)
    if tag_name == 'link':
        return self.convert_to__tag__link(element)
def convert_to__tag(self, target_tag, element, indent)
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def convert_to__tag(self, target_tag, element, indent):
    tag_name   = element.get("tag"                )
    attrs      = element.get("attrs"      , {}    )
    children   = element.get("children"   , []    )
    data       = element.get("data"       , ''    )
    end_tag    = tag_name not in HTML_SELF_CLOSING_TAGS
    tag_indent = indent + 1
    tag_kwargs  = dict(tag_name  = tag_name    ,
                       attributes = attrs      ,
                       end_tag    = end_tag    ,
                       indent     = tag_indent ,
                       inner_html = data       )
    tag        = target_tag(**tag_kwargs)
    for child in children:
        child_tag = self.convert_to__tag(Tag__Base, child, tag_indent)

    return tag
def convert_to__tag__head(self, element, indent)
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def convert_to__tag__head(self, element, indent):
    attrs    = element.get("attrs"      , {}    )
    children = element.get("children"   , []    )
    head_indent = indent+1
    tag_head = Tag__Head(indent=head_indent, **attrs)
    for child in children:
        tag_name = child.get("tag"     )
        data     = child.get("data", "")
        if tag_name == 'title':
            tag_head.title = data
        elif tag_name == 'link':
        elif tag_name == 'meta':
            tag_head.elements.append((self.convert_to__tag(Tag__Base, child, indent=head_indent)))
        elif tag_name == 'style':
            tag_head.elements.append((self.convert_to__tag(Tag__Base, child, indent=head_indent)))      # todo: add proper roundtrip of css data into Tag__Style (which already exists)
            print(f'[convert_to__tag__head] Unknown tag: {tag_name}')
    return tag_head
def convert_to__tag__html(self, element)
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def convert_to__tag__html(self, element):
    attrs    = element.get("attrs"      , {}    )
    children = element.get("children"   , []    )
    tag_html = Tag__Html(**attrs)
    for child in children:
        tag_name = child.get("tag" )
        if tag_name == 'head':
            tag_html.head = self.convert_to__tag__head(child, tag_html.indent)
        elif tag_name == 'body':
            tag_html.body = self.convert_to__tag(Tag__Body, child, tag_html.indent)
            print(f'unknown tag: {tag_name}')
    return tag_html
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def convert_to__tag__link(self, element):
    attrs    = element.get("attrs", {})
    tag_link = Tag__Link(**attrs)
    return tag_link