Module osbot_utils.helpers.Print_Table

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from osbot_utils.base_classes.Kwargs_To_Self import Kwargs_To_Self
from osbot_utils.utils.Misc import ansi_text_visible_length

raw_data = """|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
| BOTO3 REST calls (via BaseClient._make_api_call)                                    |
| #  | Method                 | Duration | Params                                     | Return Value                               |
|  0 | GetCallerIdentity      |   412 ms | ('GetCallerIdentity', {}) | {'UserId': 'AIDAW3B45JBMJ7OKHCQZL', 'Account': '470426667096', 'Arn': 'arn:aws:iam::470426667096:user/OSBot-AWS-Dev__Only-IAM'}     |
|  1 | GetCallerIdentity      |    97 ms | ('GetCallerIdentity', {}) | {'UserId': 'AIDAW3B45JBMJ7OKHCQZL', 'Account': '470426667096', 'Arn': 'arn:aws:iam::470426667096:user/OSBot-AWS-Dev__Only-IAM'}     |
|  2 | GetCallerIdentity      |    96 ms | ('GetCallerIdentity', {}) | {'UserId': 'AIDAW3B45JBMJ7OKHCQZL', 'Account': '470426667096', 'Arn': 'arn:aws:iam::470426667096:user/OSBot-AWS-Dev__Only-IAM'}     |
| Total Duration:   0.73 secs | Total calls: 3          |




class Print_Table(Kwargs_To_Self):
    title               : str
    headers             : list
    headers_by_index    : dict
    footer              : str
    headers_size        : list
    headers_to_hide     : list
    max_cell_size       : int = MAX_CELL_SIZE
    rows                : list
    rows_texts          : list
    table_width         : int
    text__all           : list
    text__footer        : str
    text__headers       : str
    text__table_bottom  : str
    text__table_middle  : str
    text__table_top     : str
    text__title         : str
    text__width         : int

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):

    def add_column(self, header, cells:list):
        columns_count = len(self.headers)
        for index, cell in enumerate(cells):
            if len(self.rows) <= index:
                new_row = ['' for _ in range(columns_count)] + [cell]
        return self

    def add_data(self, data):
        if type(data) is dict:
        elif type(data) is list:
            for item in data:
        return self

    def add_dict(self, data:dict):
        self.fix_table()                                                # makes sure the number of headers and rows are the same

        all_headers = set(self.headers) | set(data.keys())              # get all headers from the table and the data
        for header in sorted(all_headers):                              # sorted to have consistent order of new headers (since without it the order is pseudo random)
            if header not in self.headers:                              # to make sure the table headers and new data keys match
                self.add_header(header)                                 # add any new headers not already present

        row_raw = {header: '' for header in all_headers}                # Create a raw row with empty values for all headers
        row_raw.update(data)                                            # Update the raw row with values from data
        row_by_header = [row_raw[header] for header in self.headers]    # create a new row object, ensuring headers order
        self.add_row(row_by_header)                                     # add the new row to the table
        return self

    def add_header(self, header:str):
        return self

    def add_headers(self, *headers:list):
        for header in headers:
        return self

    def add_row(self, row:list):
        if type(row) is not list:
        return self

    def add_rows(self, rows:list):
        for row in rows:
        return self

    def calculate_max_cell_size(self, cell):
        lines_len = []
        for line in str(cell).split('\n'):                                      # Split the cell into lines and find the maximum length of any line
            line_len_ansi_visible = ansi_text_visible_length(line)              # add support for the use of ansi chars (which impact the len calculations)
        max_cell_line_length = max(lines_len)

        if max_cell_line_length > self.max_cell_size:
            max_cell_line_length = self.max_cell_size
        return max_cell_line_length

    def fix_table(self):
        if self.rows:
            max_cells = max(len(row) for row in self.rows)          # get max number of cells in any row
            max_cells = 0

        extra_header_count = len(self.headers) + 1                  # Start counting extra headers from the current number of headers
        while len(self.headers) < max_cells:                        # Extend headers if necessary
            self.headers.append(f"Header #{extra_header_count}")    # headers cannot have empty values
            extra_header_count += 1
        for row in self.rows:                                       # Ensure each row has the same number of cells as there are headers
            while len(row) < len(self.headers):
        for index, header in enumerate(self.headers):               # capture the index of the headers
            self.headers_by_index[index] = header

    def hide_headers(self, headers):
        self.headers_to_hide = headers
        return self

    def map_headers_size(self):
        self.headers_size = []                                                                        # initialize the headers size with the size of each header
        for header in self.headers:
            header_len_ansi_visible = ansi_text_visible_length(header)

        for row in self.rows:                                                                       # iterate over each row and update the headers size with the size of the largest cell
            for index, cell in enumerate(row):                                                      # for each row
                if cell:                                                                            # Check if the cell is not empty or None
                    max_cell_line_length = self.calculate_max_cell_size(cell)
                    self.headers_size[index] = max(self.headers_size[index], max_cell_line_length)  # Update the corresponding header size if this line is longer than the current max

        # fix edge case that happens when the title or footer is longer than the table width
        if len(self.headers_size):
            last_header                 = len(self.headers_size) - 1                            # get the index of the last header
            last_header_size            = self.headers_size[last_header]                        # get the size of the last header
            all_headers_size            = sum(self.headers_size)                                # get the size of all headers
            all_headers_size_minus_last = all_headers_size - last_header_size                   # get the size of all headers minus the last header

            if sum(self.headers_size) < len(self.title):                                        # if the title is longer than the headers, update the last header size
                title_size                     = len(self.title)                                # get the size of the title
                new_last_header_size           = title_size - all_headers_size_minus_last       # calculate the new size of the last header
                self.headers_size[last_header] = new_last_header_size                           # update the last header size
            if sum(self.headers_size) < len(self.footer):                                       # if the footer is longer than the headers, update the last header size
                footer_size                    = len(self.footer)                               # get the size of the footer
                new_last_header_size           = footer_size - all_headers_size_minus_last      # calculate the new size of the last header
                self.headers_size[last_header] = new_last_header_size                           # update the last header size
        return self

    def map_table_width(self):
        self.table_width = len(self.text__headers)
        if len(self.footer) > self.table_width:
            self.table_width = len(self.footer) + 4
        if len(self.title) > self.table_width:
            self.table_width = len(self.title) + 4

    # def map_rows_texts(self):
    #     self.rows_texts = []
    #     if not self.rows:
    #         self.rows_texts = [f"{CHAR_TABLE_VERTICAL}  {CHAR_TABLE_VERTICAL}"]
    #     else:
    #         for row in self.rows:
    #             row_text = CHAR_TABLE_VERTICAL
    #             for index, cell in enumerate(row):
    #                 size = self.headers_size[index]
    #                 row_text += f" {str(cell):{size}} {CHAR_TABLE_VERTICAL}"
    #             self.rows_texts.append(row_text)
    #     return self

    def cell_value(self, cell_value):
        cell_value = str(cell_value)
        if len(cell_value) > self.max_cell_size:
            return cell_value[:self.max_cell_size - 3] + '...'
        return cell_value

    def map_rows_texts(self):
        self.rows_texts = []
        #if not self.rows:
        #    self.rows_texts = [f"{CHAR_TABLE_VERTICAL}aaa{CHAR_TABLE_VERTICAL}"]
        if self.rows:
            for row in self.rows:
                row_text = CHAR_TABLE_VERTICAL
                additional_lines = [[] for _ in row]  # Prepare to hold additional lines from multiline cells
                for index, cell in enumerate(row):
                    if self.should_show_header(index):
                        size          = self.headers_size[index]
                        cell_lines    = str(cell).split('\n')  # Split the cell text by newlines
                        cell_value    = self.cell_value(cell_lines[0])
                        extra_padding = ' ' * (size - ansi_text_visible_length(cell_value))
                        row_text += f" {cell_value}{extra_padding} {CHAR_TABLE_VERTICAL}"  # Add the first line of the cell
                        for i, line in enumerate(cell_lines[1:], start=1):
                            additional_lines[index].append(line)  # Store additional lines


                # Handle additional lines by creating new row_texts for them
                max_additional_lines = max(len(lines) for lines in additional_lines)

                for depth in range(max_additional_lines):
                    extra_row_text = CHAR_TABLE_VERTICAL
                    for index, column in  enumerate(additional_lines):
                        cell_data     = column[depth] if len(column) > depth else ''
                        size          = self.headers_size[index]
                        cell_value    = self.cell_value(cell_data)
                        extra_padding = ' ' * (size - ansi_text_visible_length(cell_value))
                        extra_row_text += f" {cell_value}{extra_padding} {CHAR_TABLE_VERTICAL}"

        return self

    def map_text__all(self):
        self.text__all                      = [  self.text__table_top                              ]
        if self.title   :   self.text__all += [  self.text__title        , self.text__table_middle ]
        if self.headers :   self.text__all += [  self.text__headers      , self.text__table_middle ]
        if self.rows    :   self.text__all += [ *self.rows_texts                                   ]
        if self.footer  :   self.text__all += [  self.text__table_middle , self.text__footer       ]
        self.text__all                     += [  self.text__table_bottom                           ]

    def map_text__footer(self):
        self.text__footer = f"{CHAR_TABLE_VERTICAL} {self.footer:{self.text__width}} {CHAR_TABLE_VERTICAL}"

    def map_text__headers(self):
        self.text__headers = CHAR_TABLE_VERTICAL
        if not self.headers:
            self.text__headers += f"  {CHAR_TABLE_VERTICAL}"
            for header, size in zip(self.headers, self.headers_size):
                if self.should_show_header(header):
                    self.text__headers += f" {header:{size}} {CHAR_TABLE_VERTICAL}"
            return self

    def map_text__table_bottom(self):   self.text__table_bottom = f"{CHAR_TABLE_BOTTOM_LEFT}" + CHAR_TABLE_HORIZONTAL * (self.text__width + 2) + f"{CHAR_TABLE_BOTTOM_RIGHT }"
    def map_text__table_middle(self):   self.text__table_middle = f"{CHAR_TABLE_MIDDLE_LEFT}" + CHAR_TABLE_HORIZONTAL * (self.text__width + 2) + f"{CHAR_TABLE_MIDDLE_RIGHT }"
    def map_text__table_top   (self):   self.text__table_top    = f"{CHAR_TABLE_TOP_LEFT   }" + CHAR_TABLE_HORIZONTAL * (self.text__width + 2) + f"{CHAR_TABLE_TOP_RIGHT    }"

    def map_text__title(self):
        self.text__title = f"{CHAR_TABLE_VERTICAL} {self.title:{self.text__width}} {CHAR_TABLE_VERTICAL}"

    def map_text__width(self):
        self.text__width = self.table_width - 4
        # if self.table_width > 3:                                      # there is no use case that that needs this check
        #     self.text__width = self.table_width - 4
        # else:
        #     self.text__width = 0

    def map_texts(self):
        self.fix_table              ()
        self.map_headers_size       ()
        self.map_text__headers      ()
        self.map_rows_texts         ()
        self.map_table_width        ()
        self.map_text__width        ()
        self.map_text__footer       ()
        self.map_text__title        ()
        self.map_text__table_bottom ()
        self.map_text__table_middle ()
        self.map_text__table_top    ()
        self.map_text__all          ()

    def print(self, data=None, order=None):
        if data:
        if order:
        for text in self.text__all:
        return self

    def should_show_header(self, header):
        if self.headers_to_hide:
            if type(header) is int:
                header_name = self.headers_by_index[header]
                header_name = str(header)
            return header_name not in self.headers_to_hide
        return True

    def remove_columns(self,column_names):
        if type (column_names) is str:
            column_names = [column_names]
        if type(column_names) is list:
            for column_name in column_names:
                if column_name in self.headers:
                    column_index = self.headers.index(column_name)
                    del self.headers[column_index]
                    for row in self.rows:
                        del row[column_index]
        return self

    def reorder_columns(self, new_order: list):
        if set(new_order) != set(self.headers):                                                 # Check if the new_order list has the same headers as the current table
            missing = set(self.headers) - set(new_order) or {}
            extra   = set(new_order) - set(self.headers) or {}
            raise ValueError("New order must contain the same headers as the current table.\n"
                             f"  - Missing headers: {missing}\n"
                             f"  - Extra headers: {extra}")

        index_map = {old_header: new_order.index(old_header) for old_header in self.headers}    # Create a mapping from old index to new index
        new_rows = []                                                                           # Reorder each row according to the new header order
        for row in self.rows:
            new_row = [None] * len(row)                                                         # Initialize a new row with placeholders
            for old_index, cell in enumerate(row):
                new_index = index_map[self.headers[old_index]]
                new_row[new_index] = cell

        self.headers = list(new_order)                                                                # Reorder the headers
        self.rows    = new_rows                                                                    # Reorder the rows
        return self

    def set_footer(self, footer):
        self.footer = footer
        return self

    def set_headers(self, headers):
        self.headers = headers
        return self

    def set_order(self, *new_order):
        return self.reorder_columns(new_order)

    def set_title(self, title):
        self.title = title
        return self

    def to_csv(self):
        csv_content = ','.join(self.to_csv__escape_cell(header) for header in self.headers) + '\n'          # Create a CSV string from the headers and rows
        for row in self.rows:
            csv_content += ','.join(self.to_csv__escape_cell(cell) if cell is not None else '' for cell in row) + '\n'
        return csv_content

    def to_csv__escape_cell(self, cell):
        if cell and any(c in cell for c in [',', '"', '\n']):
            cell = cell.replace('"', '""')              # Escape double quotes
            cell = cell.replace('\n', '\\n')            # escape new lines
            return f'"{cell}"'                          # Enclose the cell in double quotes
        return cell

    def to_dict(self):
        table_dict = {header: [] for header in self.headers}                                # Initialize the dictionary with empty lists for each header
        for row in self.rows:                                                               # Iterate over each row and append the cell to the corresponding header's list
            for header, cell in zip(self.headers, row):
        return table_dict


class Print_Table (**kwargs)

A mixin class to strictly assign keyword arguments to pre-defined instance attributes during initialization.

This base class provides an init method that assigns values from keyword arguments to instance attributes. If an attribute with the same name as a key from the kwargs is defined in the class, it will be set to the value from kwargs. If the key does not match any predefined attribute names, an exception is raised.

This behavior enforces strict control over the attributes of instances, ensuring that only predefined attributes can be set at the time of instantiation and avoids silent attribute creation which can lead to bugs in the code.


class MyConfigurableClass(Kwargs_To_Self): attribute1 = 'default_value' attribute2 = True attribute3 : str attribute4 : list attribute4 : int = 42

# Other methods can be added here

Correctly override default values by passing keyword arguments

instance = MyConfigurableClass(attribute1='new_value', attribute2=False)

This will raise an exception as 'attribute3' is not predefined

instance = MyConfigurableClass(attribute3='invalid_attribute')

this will also assign the default value to any variable that has a type defined. In the example above the default values (mapped by default__kwargs and locals) will be: attribute1 = 'default_value' attribute2 = True attribute3 = '' # default value of str attribute4 = [] # default value of list attribute4 = 42 # defined value in the class


It is important that all attributes which may be set at instantiation are predefined in the class. Failure to do so will result in an exception being raised.


init(**kwargs): The initializer that handles the assignment of keyword arguments to instance attributes. It enforces strict attribute assignment rules, only allowing attributes that are already defined in the class to be set.

Initialize an instance of the derived class, strictly assigning provided keyword arguments to corresponding instance attributes.


**kwargs: Variable length keyword arguments.


If a key from kwargs does not correspond to any attribute pre-defined in the class, an exception is raised to prevent setting an undefined attribute.
Expand source code
class Print_Table(Kwargs_To_Self):
    title               : str
    headers             : list
    headers_by_index    : dict
    footer              : str
    headers_size        : list
    headers_to_hide     : list
    max_cell_size       : int = MAX_CELL_SIZE
    rows                : list
    rows_texts          : list
    table_width         : int
    text__all           : list
    text__footer        : str
    text__headers       : str
    text__table_bottom  : str
    text__table_middle  : str
    text__table_top     : str
    text__title         : str
    text__width         : int

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):

    def add_column(self, header, cells:list):
        columns_count = len(self.headers)
        for index, cell in enumerate(cells):
            if len(self.rows) <= index:
                new_row = ['' for _ in range(columns_count)] + [cell]
        return self

    def add_data(self, data):
        if type(data) is dict:
        elif type(data) is list:
            for item in data:
        return self

    def add_dict(self, data:dict):
        self.fix_table()                                                # makes sure the number of headers and rows are the same

        all_headers = set(self.headers) | set(data.keys())              # get all headers from the table and the data
        for header in sorted(all_headers):                              # sorted to have consistent order of new headers (since without it the order is pseudo random)
            if header not in self.headers:                              # to make sure the table headers and new data keys match
                self.add_header(header)                                 # add any new headers not already present

        row_raw = {header: '' for header in all_headers}                # Create a raw row with empty values for all headers
        row_raw.update(data)                                            # Update the raw row with values from data
        row_by_header = [row_raw[header] for header in self.headers]    # create a new row object, ensuring headers order
        self.add_row(row_by_header)                                     # add the new row to the table
        return self

    def add_header(self, header:str):
        return self

    def add_headers(self, *headers:list):
        for header in headers:
        return self

    def add_row(self, row:list):
        if type(row) is not list:
        return self

    def add_rows(self, rows:list):
        for row in rows:
        return self

    def calculate_max_cell_size(self, cell):
        lines_len = []
        for line in str(cell).split('\n'):                                      # Split the cell into lines and find the maximum length of any line
            line_len_ansi_visible = ansi_text_visible_length(line)              # add support for the use of ansi chars (which impact the len calculations)
        max_cell_line_length = max(lines_len)

        if max_cell_line_length > self.max_cell_size:
            max_cell_line_length = self.max_cell_size
        return max_cell_line_length

    def fix_table(self):
        if self.rows:
            max_cells = max(len(row) for row in self.rows)          # get max number of cells in any row
            max_cells = 0

        extra_header_count = len(self.headers) + 1                  # Start counting extra headers from the current number of headers
        while len(self.headers) < max_cells:                        # Extend headers if necessary
            self.headers.append(f"Header #{extra_header_count}")    # headers cannot have empty values
            extra_header_count += 1
        for row in self.rows:                                       # Ensure each row has the same number of cells as there are headers
            while len(row) < len(self.headers):
        for index, header in enumerate(self.headers):               # capture the index of the headers
            self.headers_by_index[index] = header

    def hide_headers(self, headers):
        self.headers_to_hide = headers
        return self

    def map_headers_size(self):
        self.headers_size = []                                                                        # initialize the headers size with the size of each header
        for header in self.headers:
            header_len_ansi_visible = ansi_text_visible_length(header)

        for row in self.rows:                                                                       # iterate over each row and update the headers size with the size of the largest cell
            for index, cell in enumerate(row):                                                      # for each row
                if cell:                                                                            # Check if the cell is not empty or None
                    max_cell_line_length = self.calculate_max_cell_size(cell)
                    self.headers_size[index] = max(self.headers_size[index], max_cell_line_length)  # Update the corresponding header size if this line is longer than the current max

        # fix edge case that happens when the title or footer is longer than the table width
        if len(self.headers_size):
            last_header                 = len(self.headers_size) - 1                            # get the index of the last header
            last_header_size            = self.headers_size[last_header]                        # get the size of the last header
            all_headers_size            = sum(self.headers_size)                                # get the size of all headers
            all_headers_size_minus_last = all_headers_size - last_header_size                   # get the size of all headers minus the last header

            if sum(self.headers_size) < len(self.title):                                        # if the title is longer than the headers, update the last header size
                title_size                     = len(self.title)                                # get the size of the title
                new_last_header_size           = title_size - all_headers_size_minus_last       # calculate the new size of the last header
                self.headers_size[last_header] = new_last_header_size                           # update the last header size
            if sum(self.headers_size) < len(self.footer):                                       # if the footer is longer than the headers, update the last header size
                footer_size                    = len(self.footer)                               # get the size of the footer
                new_last_header_size           = footer_size - all_headers_size_minus_last      # calculate the new size of the last header
                self.headers_size[last_header] = new_last_header_size                           # update the last header size
        return self

    def map_table_width(self):
        self.table_width = len(self.text__headers)
        if len(self.footer) > self.table_width:
            self.table_width = len(self.footer) + 4
        if len(self.title) > self.table_width:
            self.table_width = len(self.title) + 4

    # def map_rows_texts(self):
    #     self.rows_texts = []
    #     if not self.rows:
    #         self.rows_texts = [f"{CHAR_TABLE_VERTICAL}  {CHAR_TABLE_VERTICAL}"]
    #     else:
    #         for row in self.rows:
    #             row_text = CHAR_TABLE_VERTICAL
    #             for index, cell in enumerate(row):
    #                 size = self.headers_size[index]
    #                 row_text += f" {str(cell):{size}} {CHAR_TABLE_VERTICAL}"
    #             self.rows_texts.append(row_text)
    #     return self

    def cell_value(self, cell_value):
        cell_value = str(cell_value)
        if len(cell_value) > self.max_cell_size:
            return cell_value[:self.max_cell_size - 3] + '...'
        return cell_value

    def map_rows_texts(self):
        self.rows_texts = []
        #if not self.rows:
        #    self.rows_texts = [f"{CHAR_TABLE_VERTICAL}aaa{CHAR_TABLE_VERTICAL}"]
        if self.rows:
            for row in self.rows:
                row_text = CHAR_TABLE_VERTICAL
                additional_lines = [[] for _ in row]  # Prepare to hold additional lines from multiline cells
                for index, cell in enumerate(row):
                    if self.should_show_header(index):
                        size          = self.headers_size[index]
                        cell_lines    = str(cell).split('\n')  # Split the cell text by newlines
                        cell_value    = self.cell_value(cell_lines[0])
                        extra_padding = ' ' * (size - ansi_text_visible_length(cell_value))
                        row_text += f" {cell_value}{extra_padding} {CHAR_TABLE_VERTICAL}"  # Add the first line of the cell
                        for i, line in enumerate(cell_lines[1:], start=1):
                            additional_lines[index].append(line)  # Store additional lines


                # Handle additional lines by creating new row_texts for them
                max_additional_lines = max(len(lines) for lines in additional_lines)

                for depth in range(max_additional_lines):
                    extra_row_text = CHAR_TABLE_VERTICAL
                    for index, column in  enumerate(additional_lines):
                        cell_data     = column[depth] if len(column) > depth else ''
                        size          = self.headers_size[index]
                        cell_value    = self.cell_value(cell_data)
                        extra_padding = ' ' * (size - ansi_text_visible_length(cell_value))
                        extra_row_text += f" {cell_value}{extra_padding} {CHAR_TABLE_VERTICAL}"

        return self

    def map_text__all(self):
        self.text__all                      = [  self.text__table_top                              ]
        if self.title   :   self.text__all += [  self.text__title        , self.text__table_middle ]
        if self.headers :   self.text__all += [  self.text__headers      , self.text__table_middle ]
        if self.rows    :   self.text__all += [ *self.rows_texts                                   ]
        if self.footer  :   self.text__all += [  self.text__table_middle , self.text__footer       ]
        self.text__all                     += [  self.text__table_bottom                           ]

    def map_text__footer(self):
        self.text__footer = f"{CHAR_TABLE_VERTICAL} {self.footer:{self.text__width}} {CHAR_TABLE_VERTICAL}"

    def map_text__headers(self):
        self.text__headers = CHAR_TABLE_VERTICAL
        if not self.headers:
            self.text__headers += f"  {CHAR_TABLE_VERTICAL}"
            for header, size in zip(self.headers, self.headers_size):
                if self.should_show_header(header):
                    self.text__headers += f" {header:{size}} {CHAR_TABLE_VERTICAL}"
            return self

    def map_text__table_bottom(self):   self.text__table_bottom = f"{CHAR_TABLE_BOTTOM_LEFT}" + CHAR_TABLE_HORIZONTAL * (self.text__width + 2) + f"{CHAR_TABLE_BOTTOM_RIGHT }"
    def map_text__table_middle(self):   self.text__table_middle = f"{CHAR_TABLE_MIDDLE_LEFT}" + CHAR_TABLE_HORIZONTAL * (self.text__width + 2) + f"{CHAR_TABLE_MIDDLE_RIGHT }"
    def map_text__table_top   (self):   self.text__table_top    = f"{CHAR_TABLE_TOP_LEFT   }" + CHAR_TABLE_HORIZONTAL * (self.text__width + 2) + f"{CHAR_TABLE_TOP_RIGHT    }"

    def map_text__title(self):
        self.text__title = f"{CHAR_TABLE_VERTICAL} {self.title:{self.text__width}} {CHAR_TABLE_VERTICAL}"

    def map_text__width(self):
        self.text__width = self.table_width - 4
        # if self.table_width > 3:                                      # there is no use case that that needs this check
        #     self.text__width = self.table_width - 4
        # else:
        #     self.text__width = 0

    def map_texts(self):
        self.fix_table              ()
        self.map_headers_size       ()
        self.map_text__headers      ()
        self.map_rows_texts         ()
        self.map_table_width        ()
        self.map_text__width        ()
        self.map_text__footer       ()
        self.map_text__title        ()
        self.map_text__table_bottom ()
        self.map_text__table_middle ()
        self.map_text__table_top    ()
        self.map_text__all          ()

    def print(self, data=None, order=None):
        if data:
        if order:
        for text in self.text__all:
        return self

    def should_show_header(self, header):
        if self.headers_to_hide:
            if type(header) is int:
                header_name = self.headers_by_index[header]
                header_name = str(header)
            return header_name not in self.headers_to_hide
        return True

    def remove_columns(self,column_names):
        if type (column_names) is str:
            column_names = [column_names]
        if type(column_names) is list:
            for column_name in column_names:
                if column_name in self.headers:
                    column_index = self.headers.index(column_name)
                    del self.headers[column_index]
                    for row in self.rows:
                        del row[column_index]
        return self

    def reorder_columns(self, new_order: list):
        if set(new_order) != set(self.headers):                                                 # Check if the new_order list has the same headers as the current table
            missing = set(self.headers) - set(new_order) or {}
            extra   = set(new_order) - set(self.headers) or {}
            raise ValueError("New order must contain the same headers as the current table.\n"
                             f"  - Missing headers: {missing}\n"
                             f"  - Extra headers: {extra}")

        index_map = {old_header: new_order.index(old_header) for old_header in self.headers}    # Create a mapping from old index to new index
        new_rows = []                                                                           # Reorder each row according to the new header order
        for row in self.rows:
            new_row = [None] * len(row)                                                         # Initialize a new row with placeholders
            for old_index, cell in enumerate(row):
                new_index = index_map[self.headers[old_index]]
                new_row[new_index] = cell

        self.headers = list(new_order)                                                                # Reorder the headers
        self.rows    = new_rows                                                                    # Reorder the rows
        return self

    def set_footer(self, footer):
        self.footer = footer
        return self

    def set_headers(self, headers):
        self.headers = headers
        return self

    def set_order(self, *new_order):
        return self.reorder_columns(new_order)

    def set_title(self, title):
        self.title = title
        return self

    def to_csv(self):
        csv_content = ','.join(self.to_csv__escape_cell(header) for header in self.headers) + '\n'          # Create a CSV string from the headers and rows
        for row in self.rows:
            csv_content += ','.join(self.to_csv__escape_cell(cell) if cell is not None else '' for cell in row) + '\n'
        return csv_content

    def to_csv__escape_cell(self, cell):
        if cell and any(c in cell for c in [',', '"', '\n']):
            cell = cell.replace('"', '""')              # Escape double quotes
            cell = cell.replace('\n', '\\n')            # escape new lines
            return f'"{cell}"'                          # Enclose the cell in double quotes
        return cell

    def to_dict(self):
        table_dict = {header: [] for header in self.headers}                                # Initialize the dictionary with empty lists for each header
        for row in self.rows:                                                               # Iterate over each row and append the cell to the corresponding header's list
            for header, cell in zip(self.headers, row):
        return table_dict


Class variables

var footer : str
var headers : list
var headers_by_index : dict
var headers_size : list
var headers_to_hide : list
var max_cell_size : int
var rows : list
var rows_texts : list
var table_width : int
var text__all : list
var text__headers : str
var text__table_bottom : str
var text__table_middle : str
var text__table_top : str
var text__title : str
var text__width : int
var title : str


def add_column(self, header, cells: list)
Expand source code
def add_column(self, header, cells:list):
    columns_count = len(self.headers)
    for index, cell in enumerate(cells):
        if len(self.rows) <= index:
            new_row = ['' for _ in range(columns_count)] + [cell]
    return self
def add_data(self, data)
Expand source code
def add_data(self, data):
    if type(data) is dict:
    elif type(data) is list:
        for item in data:
    return self
def add_dict(self, data: dict)
Expand source code
def add_dict(self, data:dict):
    self.fix_table()                                                # makes sure the number of headers and rows are the same

    all_headers = set(self.headers) | set(data.keys())              # get all headers from the table and the data
    for header in sorted(all_headers):                              # sorted to have consistent order of new headers (since without it the order is pseudo random)
        if header not in self.headers:                              # to make sure the table headers and new data keys match
            self.add_header(header)                                 # add any new headers not already present

    row_raw = {header: '' for header in all_headers}                # Create a raw row with empty values for all headers
    row_raw.update(data)                                            # Update the raw row with values from data
    row_by_header = [row_raw[header] for header in self.headers]    # create a new row object, ensuring headers order
    self.add_row(row_by_header)                                     # add the new row to the table
    return self
def add_header(self, header: str)
Expand source code
def add_header(self, header:str):
    return self
def add_headers(self, *headers: list)
Expand source code
def add_headers(self, *headers:list):
    for header in headers:
    return self
def add_row(self, row: list)
Expand source code
def add_row(self, row:list):
    if type(row) is not list:
    return self
def add_rows(self, rows: list)
Expand source code
def add_rows(self, rows:list):
    for row in rows:
    return self
def calculate_max_cell_size(self, cell)
Expand source code
def calculate_max_cell_size(self, cell):
    lines_len = []
    for line in str(cell).split('\n'):                                      # Split the cell into lines and find the maximum length of any line
        line_len_ansi_visible = ansi_text_visible_length(line)              # add support for the use of ansi chars (which impact the len calculations)
    max_cell_line_length = max(lines_len)

    if max_cell_line_length > self.max_cell_size:
        max_cell_line_length = self.max_cell_size
    return max_cell_line_length
def cell_value(self, cell_value)
Expand source code
def cell_value(self, cell_value):
    cell_value = str(cell_value)
    if len(cell_value) > self.max_cell_size:
        return cell_value[:self.max_cell_size - 3] + '...'
    return cell_value
def fix_table(self)
Expand source code
def fix_table(self):
    if self.rows:
        max_cells = max(len(row) for row in self.rows)          # get max number of cells in any row
        max_cells = 0

    extra_header_count = len(self.headers) + 1                  # Start counting extra headers from the current number of headers
    while len(self.headers) < max_cells:                        # Extend headers if necessary
        self.headers.append(f"Header #{extra_header_count}")    # headers cannot have empty values
        extra_header_count += 1
    for row in self.rows:                                       # Ensure each row has the same number of cells as there are headers
        while len(row) < len(self.headers):
    for index, header in enumerate(self.headers):               # capture the index of the headers
        self.headers_by_index[index] = header
def hide_headers(self, headers)
Expand source code
def hide_headers(self, headers):
    self.headers_to_hide = headers
    return self
def map_headers_size(self)
Expand source code
def map_headers_size(self):
    self.headers_size = []                                                                        # initialize the headers size with the size of each header
    for header in self.headers:
        header_len_ansi_visible = ansi_text_visible_length(header)

    for row in self.rows:                                                                       # iterate over each row and update the headers size with the size of the largest cell
        for index, cell in enumerate(row):                                                      # for each row
            if cell:                                                                            # Check if the cell is not empty or None
                max_cell_line_length = self.calculate_max_cell_size(cell)
                self.headers_size[index] = max(self.headers_size[index], max_cell_line_length)  # Update the corresponding header size if this line is longer than the current max

    # fix edge case that happens when the title or footer is longer than the table width
    if len(self.headers_size):
        last_header                 = len(self.headers_size) - 1                            # get the index of the last header
        last_header_size            = self.headers_size[last_header]                        # get the size of the last header
        all_headers_size            = sum(self.headers_size)                                # get the size of all headers
        all_headers_size_minus_last = all_headers_size - last_header_size                   # get the size of all headers minus the last header

        if sum(self.headers_size) < len(self.title):                                        # if the title is longer than the headers, update the last header size
            title_size                     = len(self.title)                                # get the size of the title
            new_last_header_size           = title_size - all_headers_size_minus_last       # calculate the new size of the last header
            self.headers_size[last_header] = new_last_header_size                           # update the last header size
        if sum(self.headers_size) < len(self.footer):                                       # if the footer is longer than the headers, update the last header size
            footer_size                    = len(self.footer)                               # get the size of the footer
            new_last_header_size           = footer_size - all_headers_size_minus_last      # calculate the new size of the last header
            self.headers_size[last_header] = new_last_header_size                           # update the last header size
    return self
def map_rows_texts(self)
Expand source code
def map_rows_texts(self):
    self.rows_texts = []
    #if not self.rows:
    #    self.rows_texts = [f"{CHAR_TABLE_VERTICAL}aaa{CHAR_TABLE_VERTICAL}"]
    if self.rows:
        for row in self.rows:
            row_text = CHAR_TABLE_VERTICAL
            additional_lines = [[] for _ in row]  # Prepare to hold additional lines from multiline cells
            for index, cell in enumerate(row):
                if self.should_show_header(index):
                    size          = self.headers_size[index]
                    cell_lines    = str(cell).split('\n')  # Split the cell text by newlines
                    cell_value    = self.cell_value(cell_lines[0])
                    extra_padding = ' ' * (size - ansi_text_visible_length(cell_value))
                    row_text += f" {cell_value}{extra_padding} {CHAR_TABLE_VERTICAL}"  # Add the first line of the cell
                    for i, line in enumerate(cell_lines[1:], start=1):
                        additional_lines[index].append(line)  # Store additional lines


            # Handle additional lines by creating new row_texts for them
            max_additional_lines = max(len(lines) for lines in additional_lines)

            for depth in range(max_additional_lines):
                extra_row_text = CHAR_TABLE_VERTICAL
                for index, column in  enumerate(additional_lines):
                    cell_data     = column[depth] if len(column) > depth else ''
                    size          = self.headers_size[index]
                    cell_value    = self.cell_value(cell_data)
                    extra_padding = ' ' * (size - ansi_text_visible_length(cell_value))
                    extra_row_text += f" {cell_value}{extra_padding} {CHAR_TABLE_VERTICAL}"

    return self
def map_table_width(self)
Expand source code
def map_table_width(self):
    self.table_width = len(self.text__headers)
    if len(self.footer) > self.table_width:
        self.table_width = len(self.footer) + 4
    if len(self.title) > self.table_width:
        self.table_width = len(self.title) + 4
def map_text__all(self)
Expand source code
def map_text__all(self):
    self.text__all                      = [  self.text__table_top                              ]
    if self.title   :   self.text__all += [  self.text__title        , self.text__table_middle ]
    if self.headers :   self.text__all += [  self.text__headers      , self.text__table_middle ]
    if self.rows    :   self.text__all += [ *self.rows_texts                                   ]
    if self.footer  :   self.text__all += [  self.text__table_middle , self.text__footer       ]
    self.text__all                     += [  self.text__table_bottom                           ]
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def map_text__footer(self):
    self.text__footer = f"{CHAR_TABLE_VERTICAL} {self.footer:{self.text__width}} {CHAR_TABLE_VERTICAL}"
def map_text__headers(self)
Expand source code
def map_text__headers(self):
    self.text__headers = CHAR_TABLE_VERTICAL
    if not self.headers:
        self.text__headers += f"  {CHAR_TABLE_VERTICAL}"
        for header, size in zip(self.headers, self.headers_size):
            if self.should_show_header(header):
                self.text__headers += f" {header:{size}} {CHAR_TABLE_VERTICAL}"
        return self
def map_text__table_bottom(self)
Expand source code
def map_text__table_bottom(self):   self.text__table_bottom = f"{CHAR_TABLE_BOTTOM_LEFT}" + CHAR_TABLE_HORIZONTAL * (self.text__width + 2) + f"{CHAR_TABLE_BOTTOM_RIGHT }"
def map_text__table_middle(self)
Expand source code
def map_text__table_middle(self):   self.text__table_middle = f"{CHAR_TABLE_MIDDLE_LEFT}" + CHAR_TABLE_HORIZONTAL * (self.text__width + 2) + f"{CHAR_TABLE_MIDDLE_RIGHT }"
def map_text__table_top(self)
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def map_text__table_top   (self):   self.text__table_top    = f"{CHAR_TABLE_TOP_LEFT   }" + CHAR_TABLE_HORIZONTAL * (self.text__width + 2) + f"{CHAR_TABLE_TOP_RIGHT    }"
def map_text__title(self)
Expand source code
def map_text__title(self):
    self.text__title = f"{CHAR_TABLE_VERTICAL} {self.title:{self.text__width}} {CHAR_TABLE_VERTICAL}"
def map_text__width(self)
Expand source code
def map_text__width(self):
    self.text__width = self.table_width - 4
    # if self.table_width > 3:                                      # there is no use case that that needs this check
    #     self.text__width = self.table_width - 4
    # else:
    #     self.text__width = 0
def map_texts(self)
Expand source code
def map_texts(self):
    self.fix_table              ()
    self.map_headers_size       ()
    self.map_text__headers      ()
    self.map_rows_texts         ()
    self.map_table_width        ()
    self.map_text__width        ()
    self.map_text__footer       ()
    self.map_text__title        ()
    self.map_text__table_bottom ()
    self.map_text__table_middle ()
    self.map_text__table_top    ()
    self.map_text__all          ()
def print(self, data=None, order=None)
Expand source code
def print(self, data=None, order=None):
    if data:
    if order:
    for text in self.text__all:
    return self
def remove_columns(self, column_names)
Expand source code
def remove_columns(self,column_names):
    if type (column_names) is str:
        column_names = [column_names]
    if type(column_names) is list:
        for column_name in column_names:
            if column_name in self.headers:
                column_index = self.headers.index(column_name)
                del self.headers[column_index]
                for row in self.rows:
                    del row[column_index]
    return self
def reorder_columns(self, new_order: list)
Expand source code
def reorder_columns(self, new_order: list):
    if set(new_order) != set(self.headers):                                                 # Check if the new_order list has the same headers as the current table
        missing = set(self.headers) - set(new_order) or {}
        extra   = set(new_order) - set(self.headers) or {}
        raise ValueError("New order must contain the same headers as the current table.\n"
                         f"  - Missing headers: {missing}\n"
                         f"  - Extra headers: {extra}")

    index_map = {old_header: new_order.index(old_header) for old_header in self.headers}    # Create a mapping from old index to new index
    new_rows = []                                                                           # Reorder each row according to the new header order
    for row in self.rows:
        new_row = [None] * len(row)                                                         # Initialize a new row with placeholders
        for old_index, cell in enumerate(row):
            new_index = index_map[self.headers[old_index]]
            new_row[new_index] = cell

    self.headers = list(new_order)                                                                # Reorder the headers
    self.rows    = new_rows                                                                    # Reorder the rows
    return self
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def set_footer(self, footer):
    self.footer = footer
    return self
def set_headers(self, headers)
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def set_headers(self, headers):
    self.headers = headers
    return self
def set_order(self, *new_order)
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def set_order(self, *new_order):
    return self.reorder_columns(new_order)
def set_title(self, title)
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def set_title(self, title):
    self.title = title
    return self
def should_show_header(self, header)
Expand source code
def should_show_header(self, header):
    if self.headers_to_hide:
        if type(header) is int:
            header_name = self.headers_by_index[header]
            header_name = str(header)
        return header_name not in self.headers_to_hide
    return True
def to_csv(self)
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def to_csv(self):
    csv_content = ','.join(self.to_csv__escape_cell(header) for header in self.headers) + '\n'          # Create a CSV string from the headers and rows
    for row in self.rows:
        csv_content += ','.join(self.to_csv__escape_cell(cell) if cell is not None else '' for cell in row) + '\n'
    return csv_content
def to_csv__escape_cell(self, cell)
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def to_csv__escape_cell(self, cell):
    if cell and any(c in cell for c in [',', '"', '\n']):
        cell = cell.replace('"', '""')              # Escape double quotes
        cell = cell.replace('\n', '\\n')            # escape new lines
        return f'"{cell}"'                          # Enclose the cell in double quotes
    return cell
def to_dict(self)
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def to_dict(self):
    table_dict = {header: [] for header in self.headers}                                # Initialize the dictionary with empty lists for each header
    for row in self.rows:                                                               # Iterate over each row and append the cell to the corresponding header's list
        for header, cell in zip(self.headers, row):
    return table_dict

Inherited members